It was actually a bug, tested export again with all settings and the problem has just disappeared.
I am awesome I guess LOL I keed.
Christ. I really fucking hate myslef right now.
I found the problem. I am sorry for wasting a thread.
Tried exporting again with the problem child settings and problems disappeared now. works fine.
I had a box checked in export settings. I hate myself. - Tangents and Binormals - Unchecking this in FBX export settings fixed it.
OBJ settings, having Normals checked and Smoothing unchecked fixed it. exports back to normal. good luck to you all and to all a good night
It had really screwed me over. Sorry. I hope this may help others atleast. I'm such a butt hole lol
Original Post
I have been working a couple jobs, and been having issues with exporting in Maya recently. These issues are fairly new and i have no idea what to do/ whats causing it.
i have a mesh which consists of about 20k verts. Now for some reason exporting from maya and importing to marmoset. The mesh details shows 130k verts. Is it me missing something? or is my Maya just properly bugged.
Exporting from 3ds max seems to have no issues at all.
Meshes have smooth normals, no hard edges etc.
I need help. Maya is one of my main softwares. I can't really afford the time wasted into working around this.
what can i do? anyone know this issue or experienced it? I am fairly well practiced and ever encountered this before.
Please help
I found the problem. Feel like such a big bum hole. Edited the original post. Tangents and binormals being checked in the export settings seemed to be the issue.
Really appreciate the effort to help me again. I would hug you if i could. you deserve it
For fbx it was 'tangents and binormals'
For obj it was a combination of 'smoothing' and 'normals'
with 'smoothing' off and 'normals' on, it seemed to fix it.
i feel like such a big fool