I want Maya to save out a fg map for me to use for further frames. The autodesk knowledge network states: By default the file is saved into the current project's mentalRay\finalgMap directory.
I have set the project, I render a fg pass, but when I take a peek into the folder there is no fg file to be seen. I have also looked in the default directory. But it´s nowhere.
So I can´t enter what file to use for further renderings because I can´t find it.
Does anyone know what is up?
Seems like this might be covered in the Maya 2016 help file.
And did you check the legacy options to enable it? AD Tried to make render settings "easier" but I think they made a mess of trying to troubleshoot it now. Like, I'm not even sure where to start with asking about your setup at this point (new layers, old layers, no layers...).