Hello everyone,
I finally decided to create my first thread here. I don't have much experience with 3D but I'd like to learn more and I usually can't do that with small pieces/projects. So here I am creating a full character. Critiques are welcome. I'll be happy for any advice/critique.
Since I need to practice my 2D as well, I made the concept myself. Also want to make one with helmet and a 3/4 view with more detail. The concept is pretty simple and clean, no scratches or decoration which I'd like to have in my final piece.
I want to make my model playable so I set some poly limits. Will be using normal, probably AO and stylized hand painted diffuse for this one.

So far I've created basic model for the sword and shield. They are around 2,5k tris each which is a lil' bit more than I'd like them to be. Gonna sculpt it later and see if I can get rid of any geometry with the normal map on.

I had to scale my sword down because it felt too big for the character. This looks better to me.