Time to start a thread. Trying to design a gun. No info yet!
Since this is getting slightly more replies than expected.. The general idea is to take the P90 and imagine what the next version would look like. A bit more compact, modular, etc.
maybe the transparency is messing with me but the frame looks way too wide relative to barrel width, esp. the grip
I got the same crit from someone else. Will def look into re-adjusting the proportions if needed.
Anyways the general idea behind the project is to model out some loose internals (not 100% working) and play around with transparency renders, animation, and presentation in Keyshot.
More of a fun design / presentation practice instead of the traditional game pipeline.
Next gen P90, what does it need? Maybe shorter for concealed carry. Rubber cheek rest + rubber grips (not seen yet) for more comfort for secret service or others. Option to add on foregrip and extended barrel for a semi-AR mode.
I hope it's early enough to make suggestions- Any areas where the metal inner workings (bolt, barrel, breech etc) contact the (assumed) polymer housing should have steel inserts. just to help the believability. What might be cool is if you had the inner parts look like the trigger group painted with bright colors (red, yellow) to imply this has been customized somewhat with aftermarket parts?
For reference, I'm thinking you may benefit from looking a videos of field stripping/ cleaning polymer framed firearms, like common Glock models or even the most direct reference to what you have, the FN P90.
Have you given any thought to any means of mounting an optic? Scrolling up it looks like you've got some iron sights planned, but mounting any optic would raise the eye line quite a bit. Where are the controls? You've obviously given thought to the ergonomics and it appears you have an ambidextrous design- now where would the safety, fire rate selector, bolt release, charging handle etc go? Will the controls be like the current P90?
Thank you for the critique @Smoothbrain . I'm at the point with this project where I want to avoid re-designing features. From our talk on Google Hangouts you have given me a lot to good ideas going forward. I still need to make an optic for this as well.
WIP Shot (More is finished but isn't in here. Materials are super WIP as well)
And I've been experimenting with Fusion 360. Little mini-tut for a flash hider. Would love feedback if there's a quicker method.
Lil Muzzle Brake. Going to keep working on drawing on the side.
beefaroni said: And I've been experimenting with Fusion 360. Little mini-tut for a flash hider. Would love feedback if there's a quicker method.
If it's anything like solidworks, that's basically your workflow. Slow and pedantic, sure. But that's the nature of it
Fantastic stuff on the gun though. There's one or two things that kinda stick out to me. The first is that the recoil springs feel a little light. .22 isn't a hugely powerful round, but even then on a blowback full auto gun those springs have to eat a lot of energy and what you have on there right now seems a little weak.
The other thing is the shroud around the magazine seems like it would really get in the way of properly reloading. The fact that the optics rail/shroud keeps you from pulling the magazine upwards or swiveling off to the right kinda limits your options on loading it, and breaks the whole intent of the ambidextrous design. Plus the rail seems like it'd make it unreasonably difficult to properly and quickly seat the magazine in the gun because of the limited space it affords the magazine. And given that this isn't some civilian gun for people to mess around with at a range, little niggles like that would be a big deal on a gun intended for serious use
Like, the reason that that sight frame is so high and so short is to give the maximum amount of space for the magazine to move around in. Yours just seems like it'd be unreasonably limiting to getting that sucker in there, even if it does swivel out to the left. Or maybe you thought of this already and i'm just an idiot for not noticing something important.
Other than that, if you told me this was an internal prototype mockup from FN's marketing, i'd believe you. Seriously fantastic stuff.
Hmm that's a good point about those springs. I did not think about that.
In terms of the rail being lower, I thought it would be interesting to have the rail slightly lower to make the gun easier to conceal if needed (mentioned above) and would present a design challenge to figure out a reload. It would probably be slightly slower to reload than a regular P90 though.
I dig the idea of a more concealable/covert offshoot of the current P90, since it's already a design pretty specialized to be small and portable above all else. Totally feels like an organic progression for it.
Thing is, if the magazine just swung in like that, the male feed "key" for lack of a better word couldn't seat in the receiver properly. So the reason i objected to the low rail is that it wouldn't allow the range of movement you'd need on the magazine to get it lined up properly and push it into it's seat. And without that, if the magazine bottom was just flush so it could swing on in there as it is now, even if the swivel was on some sprung track that kept it somewhat lined up, if that moved out of alignment for any reason you'd start having troubles with feeding pretty quickly. And for a gun meant for serious service, you can't have any kind of features that must be in perfect condition to work properly without going wrong. Just think of the abuses the M9's suffered for example. Pretty sturdy design, but after that long a service life, they're basically all falling apart and are unfit for purpose.
And even if it did have the space to allow that movement and could seat properly, it still doesn't swing out to the right, which runs against the P90's ambidextrous nature, which is one of it's selling points and intentions with it's design to begin with.
If i were doing it, i'd open up both sides of the magazine so it can swivel out either way, and extend the sight rail all the way back across the magazine and over the bolt assembly, since that method of loading is already out the window. Then I'd have some sort of guiding bearing surface/track around the receiver port like the feeding track on an M60 and the front swivel would be loose enough to allow some freedom for the magazine. So when you stick it in there, it can hang down low a little, and as you swing it into place, the guide track picks up the low hanging feed lips and guides them into place, where you can then press the magazine to seat it firmly in the gun.
Although frankly i think having that big cover to support the sight rails does look pretty cool, and the design i have in my head would be more practical looking than sleek and futuristic, and you'd lose all those tight clean lines because of the greater clearances the magazine would require. So i suppose it's up to you and what you really want to get out of this thing.
I agree with @JoshuaG : Slow it down a notch. I would also advice to add some still frames at the front and last, before the animation kicks in to bring it together, to make it more 'stable'.
Yep will definitely have a slower version with a bit of camera motion as well.
Will definitely assemble a few areas in pieces.
I'm trying to balance gif size versus length. I know artstation supports .gif but I'm not sure if they support .webm if that's the more compact version.
Yep, definitely want to get some different colors and patterns / camos going with later renders. I imagine I will have an initial batch of renders and then follow up in the future with variations / gifs / etc.
At this point, I'd like to wrap up this project and move onto learning a new piece of software / new designs so I won't be adding any sights to the gun.
Got a question for you. What do you think how hard it is to go from traditional sub-D modeling to modeling with Fusion? I am interested in trying it out myself, but you you have some insight on how much of a learning curve there is. Btw, I switched to Modo some weeks ago and I do not like it. So I hope Fusion can cheer me up a bit.
Personally I have switched over to Spaceclaim. I find it much easier and fun to use than Fusion or Moi! I spent about a week learning the ropes and have been steadily learning more with it every day.
Still need to add in the screw holes and rubber grips but I got impatient.
Anyways the general idea behind the project is to model out some loose internals (not 100% working) and play around with transparency renders, animation, and presentation in Keyshot.
More of a fun design / presentation practice instead of the traditional game pipeline.
Next gen P90, what does it need? Maybe shorter for concealed carry. Rubber cheek rest + rubber grips (not seen yet) for more comfort for secret service or others. Option to add on foregrip and extended barrel for a semi-AR mode.
Pascal has been a huge inspiration for this project presentation wise.
I think the most unqiue thing about the p90 is how compact it is due to the top loading system.
For reference, I'm thinking you may benefit from looking a videos of field stripping/ cleaning polymer framed firearms, like common Glock models or even the most direct reference to what you have, the FN P90.
Have you given any thought to any means of mounting an optic? Scrolling up it looks like you've got some iron sights planned, but mounting any optic would raise the eye line quite a bit. Where are the controls? You've obviously given thought to the ergonomics and it appears you have an ambidextrous design- now where would the safety, fire rate selector, bolt release, charging handle etc go? Will the controls be like the current P90?
just some food for thought, there have been some interpretations of the P90 mechanics for other weapons: http://www.57center.com/6.html comes to mind, and maybe you could take a look at the calico m960 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calico_M960 or bizon pp-19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PP-19_Bizon for ideas on layout of controls working around compact overall weapon constraints with huge magazines.
looking great, man.
edit: more food for thought. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/20/c8/f4/20c8f49bd4bf5d8901776c5e6899870d.jpg
WIP Shot (More is finished but isn't in here. Materials are super WIP as well)
And I've been experimenting with Fusion 360. Little mini-tut for a flash hider. Would love feedback if there's a quicker method.
Lil Muzzle Brake. Going to keep working on drawing on the side.
Fantastic stuff on the gun though. There's one or two things that kinda stick out to me. The first is that the recoil springs feel a little light. .22 isn't a hugely powerful round, but even then on a blowback full auto gun those springs have to eat a lot of energy and what you have on there right now seems a little weak.
The other thing is the shroud around the magazine seems like it would really get in the way of properly reloading. The fact that the optics rail/shroud keeps you from pulling the magazine upwards or swiveling off to the right kinda limits your options on loading it, and breaks the whole intent of the ambidextrous design. Plus the rail seems like it'd make it unreasonably difficult to properly and quickly seat the magazine in the gun because of the limited space it affords the magazine. And given that this isn't some civilian gun for people to mess around with at a range, little niggles like that would be a big deal on a gun intended for serious use
Like, the reason that that sight frame is so high and so short is to give the maximum amount of space for the magazine to move around in. Yours just seems like it'd be unreasonably limiting to getting that sucker in there, even if it does swivel out to the left. Or maybe you thought of this already and i'm just an idiot for not noticing something important.
Other than that, if you told me this was an internal prototype mockup from FN's marketing, i'd believe you. Seriously fantastic stuff.
In terms of the rail being lower, I thought it would be interesting to have the rail slightly lower to make the gun easier to conceal if needed (mentioned above) and would present a design challenge to figure out a reload. It would probably be slightly slower to reload than a regular P90 though.
Here's a reload.
Thing is, if the magazine just swung in like that, the male feed "key" for lack of a better word couldn't seat in the receiver properly. So the reason i objected to the low rail is that it wouldn't allow the range of movement you'd need on the magazine to get it lined up properly and push it into it's seat. And without that, if the magazine bottom was just flush so it could swing on in there as it is now, even if the swivel was on some sprung track that kept it somewhat lined up, if that moved out of alignment for any reason you'd start having troubles with feeding pretty quickly. And for a gun meant for serious service, you can't have any kind of features that must be in perfect condition to work properly without going wrong. Just think of the abuses the M9's suffered for example. Pretty sturdy design, but after that long a service life, they're basically all falling apart and are unfit for purpose.
And even if it did have the space to allow that movement and could seat properly, it still doesn't swing out to the right, which runs against the P90's ambidextrous nature, which is one of it's selling points and intentions with it's design to begin with.
If i were doing it, i'd open up both sides of the magazine so it can swivel out either way, and extend the sight rail all the way back across the magazine and over the bolt assembly, since that method of loading is already out the window. Then I'd have some sort of guiding bearing surface/track around the receiver port like the feeding track on an M60 and the front swivel would be loose enough to allow some freedom for the magazine. So when you stick it in there, it can hang down low a little, and as you swing it into place, the guide track picks up the low hanging feed lips and guides them into place, where you can then press the magazine to seat it firmly in the gun.
Although frankly i think having that big cover to support the sight rails does look pretty cool, and the design i have in my head would be more practical looking than sleek and futuristic, and you'd lose all those tight clean lines because of the greater clearances the magazine would require. So i suppose it's up to you and what you really want to get out of this thing.
Here's a quick sketch of how you could make the magazines load, make the entire front and barrel flip up to load.
Will definitely assemble a few areas in pieces.
I'm trying to balance gif size versus length. I know artstation supports .gif but I'm not sure if they support .webm if that's the more compact version.
At this point, I'd like to wrap up this project and move onto learning a new piece of software / new designs so I won't be adding any sights to the gun.
Got a question for you. What do you think how hard it is to go from traditional sub-D modeling to modeling with Fusion? I am interested in trying it out myself, but you you have some insight on how much of a learning curve there is. Btw, I switched to Modo some weeks ago and I do not like it. So I hope Fusion can cheer me up a bit.
Personally I have switched over to Spaceclaim. I find it much easier and fun to use than Fusion or Moi! I spent about a week learning the ropes and have been steadily learning more with it every day.
Artstation back onilne as well