I had an idea to search the internet for ideas for some 3d art. And as per usual for me I searched around google images for a while without any inspiration. So that's where this idea came about. Not only to help me, but other artists who are currently "blocked". If you have an idea for a scene, object, etc. post it here!
If you're looking for an idea of what to model, try old animated films. For me, it was a badge of honor trying to remake this style in 3D before I pursued working on my own designs and artstyle (but I still look to this stuff for inspiration).
I would love to see more artists carry on this vision. Especially when there's so much and I'm not exaggerating, SO MUCH concept art out there for these movies. If old animated films were like a buffet, you would NEVER starve looking for ideas to consume. They're just EVERYWHERE, waiting to be modeled.
Princess & The Frog
The Prince of Egypt
Lilo & Stitch
Again, I'm not kidding. There's soooooooooo many out there. And once you're done modeling, DON'T just stop there.
Do what the developers of Guilty Gear Xrd or Paper Man did and try and mimic the style as close as possible. Make the 3D art feel as if it was 2D again.
Is there anything you need, which you cant find on those sites?
What here gave you anything a google search couldnt? And was it important enough for asking people to spend time on it?
I seriously doubt you had no idea about these sites since you know/registered in polycount.
This thread is wut
We do have some material in the Intro to Polycount sticky about searching. People don't read, but that's their fault.
Anyhow if you see something that needs moderation, use Flag > Report and let us know.
Another tip is to pick any complex object, e.g. a ship, building, vehicle, and then look for interesting parts to model. E.g. I picked up this book about the HMS Victory and there are some great drawings of the guns. Or if a building is too large of a scope, just model part of the facade or any other interesting feature.
Another good idea is to think about what you can possibly learn from a piece - other than getting practice - i.e. if the piece would allow you to try a new technique or software.
I honestly haven't heard of Artisian, haven't liked what I've seen on Deviantart, and don't know where to look on pintrest. I created this as sort of a "what do you model when you don't know what to make" thread. It's a for fun thing, or to hone one's personal skill. I was asking because people here seem to be of a professional mindset. Which this doesn't seem to be the case (as if it were, you wouldn't publicly insult one uninformed as I, and would have left the issue after Spoon simply put it). So to all of you who have called this a "lazy post" or "spoon feeding" it's been said before, and it's a useless judgement. You might as well call every post looking for work here "spoon feeding" and "lazy" because it is effectively the same idea.
Now if you're actually here to help, and be useful, please post an idea. But if you're here just to call it lazy. It's been heard, and you can move along.
@Joao Sapiro @stickadtroja @ExcessiveZero
To the rest of you who have posted something useful, I thank you for your contribution.
now, your thread wasn't the worst by far, but maybe this could been avoided if you phrased it differently;
"inspiration thread, post concepts here!" and then putting some links of your own in the OP. so instead of making the thread primarily for you asking for help, and secondary to "Not only to help me, but other artists who are currently 'blocked'.", it would serve a general purpose, useful to all.
To you two I apologize. Stickadtroja I understand your recommendation, but unfortunately cannot do anything about it to my knowledge.
@Joao Sapiro
"with this thread you are basically saying that you think that your time is more valuable than others so let them do the ( basic ) research for you"
This was not at all the case. This was merely asking for suggestions, nothing more than asking a friend "hey what should I draw?" other than the fact that it was to a more broad audience. I spent much of my own time searching for anything, but I could not find much. If you took the time to read the rest of my post, you would realize that this isn't just for me, but also any other artists who are currently "blocked". This is a help forum for more than just myself, and as such is for more than just my benefit.
How the hell are these people supposed to know what you like?
You look like those ppl that get asked, where they wanna go eat, and you say, "whatever", and then get upset when people end up going to a place they don't like..
Well, maybe you should have pitched in!
Maybe you should think what you like, and then if it's spaceships, find pictures of spaceships.
If it's guns, find a gun to model.
Really, this thread is stupid because of this.. People here are not psychics.....
Try narrowing down your google searches, or sift through the concept art on Artstation by category. Also, don't overlook unconventional sites when looking for ideas. I often browse Ikea and directindustry.com when I need inspiration.