MOST RECENT UPDATE (02/12/2018):
[sorry, rush thread, desc. c/p'd from Artstation]
A scene I've been working on for quite some time. Still a bit rough and bare, but hopefully becomes something spectacular when I'm finished.
Part of a personal game project I've been working on for a couple years, this is meant to be the main room/hub of the location.
Things still to do:
*Drapery for the archways
*Radial pattern for the main floor
*replace materials(the walls are still standard UE ones)
*Misc Props(Wall lights, chairs, doorways,ect)
*Properly modeled pilasters instead of those blocky placeholders(and attempt to square-ify those composite capitals...)
*Do something fun with the space under the main stairs. A service passage snakes around the perimeter of the first floor, entered from the right and ending on the left with stairs down to a (creepy) utility cellar, and a servant's bedroom right below the main stairs.
*Fix and optimize the lightmaps, as you can see there's a few (horrid!) lighting errors
*...a chandelier?
Modelling done in Blender, presented in Unreal
Model view of the Composite Capital prop (After all that work they're barely visible in the scene, and I'll cry if nobody gets to see it ;[ )
Also a chair that's barely in the scene atm!
Not sure what you mean on the gold capitals sticking out, it's pretty close to how the volutes would jut out in real life
Don't know if I got it perfect, and I definitely wouldn't build this room in real-life
Been working on the drapery
Pretty chunky right now (and dat conic flat tassle doe)...and the velvet material is pretty simple but will likely be played with in the future
Also only now just realized you get better metallic reflections when you change the lights to Stationary
Speaking of lights, next up I will be modelling candle sconces, so those lights aren't just coming from nowhere!
A light source! A lit bit hi-poly for in-game use still but will work on making a reduced version and LODs for Unreal
The lighting is drastically different now, and I made a radial tile pattern for the floor center
(also some fun dust particles and volumetric light effects!)
Pedimented doorway for the top door, didn't take too long, just crammed stuff I already made together (I think the top is a bit blocky though...)
Made a pilaster version of the composite capital and column models. For the capital I basically just soft-selected and mashed it into as much of a rectangular shape as I could. Crude, but I'm quite ok with the results!
Made a grimy decal for the parts touching the floor, pretty simple and I'm not terribly used to Substance Designer yet. Also made a skirting board model so the transition between floor and wall didn't look so dang primitive
Also for fun, instead of just working on this scene, I made a map of the rest of the manor, since this is supposed to be for a game
So...what's left? Besides fixing up some mapping and modelling errors, and tweaking the lighting, I want to finish up the rest of the doors and door frames (they're all gonna be the same model), and a skylight for the portal above the stairs.
I did want to make a material for the bricking of the wall, as I'm using a UE4 preset right now...but since I'm still sorta new at SD, and the material blends in fine already, I'm just going to leave it and save that effort for another project.
I did also think of making a crystal/candle chandelier that would hopefully tie the center of the room together, but I think it'll be fine without it. Would also take too much time and effort to look for an acceptable reference and I really just want this thing wrapped up lol.
Anyway, Happy Halloween!
I also may have overdone the cavity dirt in the albedo, so I made that a little lighter and less overbearing. Some of the metallic values on the dirt and dust was odd too, as it was using in-between values probably making the highlights a little strange, so I tried to minimize that.
Do you think this looks a bit better? I didn't change the reflection capture yet, since I thought the current setup helps the shapes be more noticeable from far away
Keep the cinematography basic. Dolly on one axis at a time, go slow and steady, use dof to your advantage, and change your camera fov to a more lens-like value such as 35-45.
Thanks! You aren't wrong, looking at my reference they're a bit too wide apart and stretched a bit, the stretchiness due to being deformed along a spine using a Blueprint. I also might have thought 4 would be too crowded for in between the columns so I opted for 3 balusters, but it's been a long time and I forgot my reasoning lol
So here's the WIP flythrough/showcase I had planned out. Of course I'm thinking of changing some things to both the scene and video with your alls'es critiques, but I'll see how you like so far : D
I wanted the second half to be mini-showcases for the individual props with annotated links to Sketchfab, or that's the idea anyway lol
I will say the lighting isn't doing much for the scene right now.
Since this would be one of the main shots for your environment, it's important to get composition right. Currently, the models are good, but the focal point is all over the place. If it was unlit, it would obviously be the stairs with a nice symmetrical lead-up point but.... with the light the way it is your eyes move first to the two solid white columns on the outside, then to the pure white ceiling above the stairs and the weird bright shadowing on the stairs themselves, and then finally to the brass railings. Considering the beautiful modeling and detail work, it's a tragedy to have the viewer's eye being drawn to the blank white areas instead.
I'd suggest moving the sun's position and playing with upping the bounce lighting or/and adding candelabra or other forms of light to brighten up the room.
Can't wait to see more! You're doing really good work.
Flythroughs aren't very effective, and always feel uncomfortable/awkward. If you choose a a nice composition/location instead and just do a very slow pan left to right from the same location, I think it will be more effective.
- maybe consider breaking up the pure gold railings a bit /w other materials. Gold being so malleable I dont think it would be very successful at being a bracing/safety/support. Excellent for decorative accents. But maybe not in this application. I'd expect you'd be hard pressed to find that in a real life reference.
I'll see if I can make the rest of the room brighter, I suppose that would make the direct sunlight a bit less distracting, tho I'm hoping I don't loose the gloominess a bit too much
Hi thanks! So maybe just do a few slow pans and composition shots then, yeah I think that might be a bit better
I still had fun sequencing camera movement in this tho so maybe I'll have two videos then?
And hmm I don't think something like those balusters would be pure gold, but more wrought iron or some sturdy metal, just covered in a thin layer of gold for decoration. Here's the exact reference btw:
They're broken up with supports in the real version so yeah I wouldn't necessarily trust my railings with my life lol
EDIT: Redid pic with even more tweaks
Tweaked the lighting and GI a bit, so it's a bit brighter overall and adjusted the sunlight so the side pillars arent bathed in a distracting white light.
I thought of taking the side pillars out of the shot entirely but that just made the shot too cramped-looking
Adjusted the balustrades so they're a bit less stretched-looking
Also added the lights to the pillars, not %100 sure I'm into them yet
in 3D, super clean rarely works has they fall short.
The easier way to fix it for the wall is to at least put some decorative trim, as for the roof, in palace like that they are really often cover with ornement or painting.
I like the idea of having a sky painted over the dome, since yeah, it's kinda just a white mass that can barely be noticed as a done right now, so yeah, I think I will experiment with that, thank you
Roughed this out in a few hours @Odow
Really liking this idea
If anyone has any considerations for the portfolio layout, I am open.
In the meantime I think I'm going to begin on a new project (or two), thank you everyone for your critiques and suggestions!