Hello, I have got that problem sometimes. I make highpoly in 3ds Max (, and sometimes when I try to dynamesh it with DynameshMaster, this window appears
I checked my geometry in 3ds Max, and it's perfectly fine, no unwelded polygons, overlapping vertices, uncapped polygons. And when I import that "broken" part to another zbrush document, it dynameshes jut right.
This is the most random error I saw in my entire life, and it's making me furious.
My workaround is to export EXCATLY the same mesh to another zbrush file. But when I have got 40 subtools, and I try to dynamesh 39th and this happends...
Any advices?
If your model has several subtools and Dynamesh Master uses symmetry and the default tool's center, I can see this causing that kind of error. It would also make sense why splitting the subtool into its own tool would also work (because it would then use its own center line, and not the rest of the tool). So I would start by investigating and playing with the symmetry. Try different options relating to it, maybe even visually isolate the object and use a temporary pivot point before running the operation.
Chances are the model is too small. I found that for the best dynamesh result the model needs to be at 2 XYZ Size. you can change it under geometry-->size. If you're using dynamesh a lot I suggest you model with this size and scale at the end.