See image:
Unity 5
These are individual instanced pieces. So the pillar for example that is one mesh stacked on top of a another mesh.
And the roof panels....same thing, about 6 of those side by side to make up the roof. Instanced/cloned/duplicated...whatever you want to call it. All the meshes are pre-fabs and have generate Lightmap UV's and they are set to static. Also using the same material.
So what gives people? HALP ME!!!?
What's the lightmap resolution look like in the Scene view?
Are you using light probes and/or reflection probes?
I don't have any light probes or reflection probes in the scene. (I thought those were only needed to show correct lighting on dynamic objects or character models?)
Precomputed GI depends on resolution. If your resolution is low, that could cause the shading differences. What's the preview checker look like?
BTW pre-computed GI is all kinds of screwed up in Unity. You're in for a world of hurt.
Have you messed with the lightmap resolution? Maybe everything is so low res that only a few pixels are representing those pieces? If you didn't change them, that shouldn't be an issue, though.
The (visually) best/most controllable solution is to just combine them in max/maya/whatever and bring them back in as a single mesh.!/content/5017!/content/8748
Also do you have any reflection probes in the scene? and does the box cover all the assets in that area? I sometimes find that some assets are outside the reflection probes area and are lit slightly different.
We ended up getting that and one or two others - that particular one is the most powerful but really needs a script to handle selection and combining, plus it does some weird stuff with texture generation and atlasing.
This one is less powerful but it is brain dead simple and has served us well so far. It pretty much does what you were saying Unity should do anyway.!/content/8748
Also, I'm merging the two threads you made on the same topic. So some replies might appear a little out of sequence.