Hey Guys!
I've been having an issue since Max 2015, and I thought it was just a bug and would be resolved in a new version/service pack, apparently not.
I'm currently working on a somewhat heavy model vert wise, max has it at 5mil verts, and that's really where this issue appears, is with models that are closer to 5 million than 1 million.
anyway, I try to switch my view from orthographic to front or side or whatever using the viewcube, and the model disappears, I press Z, I make sure I'm not selecting anything and press Z a dozen times but the view doesn't reframe.
I can press F to bring up the front view and my model will appear again, but if I select anything it bugs out and switches me from front to orthographic without me pressing anything.
It does it in perspective view too but in perspective view I get a bunch of lines corresponding to my model's colours.
I render the views out and they're blank.
The problem is fairly consistent in that it will show up when:
The model is highpoly
The model has been saved
The computer has been restarted since the last time it was opened.
It will happen to all views and viewports at some stage
FWIR, this issue wasn't present when i was running windows 8.1, but I'm not too sure.
But it's also inconsistent in that it stops affecting certain viewports over time, like my bottom two are fine, but the top two dick out, then one of the bottom ones might stop working but the top will start working again.
I've tried:
restarting max
restarting the PC
creating a new scene and merging the model
pressing Z a lot.
Using a different PC (the old one had the same problem, my new one does it too, the computers in college have the same issue when open the scene there too)
The PC itself isn't slow in itself, it's quite nippy usually, even when navigating max when it's bugging out like this, RAM usage by max is close to 2GB though, expected.
PC spec:
AMD FX 8320E
AMD radeon R9 380 4gb
Windows 10
Max is being run on an SSD
college PC's run intel and Nvidia, but i'm unsure what the specs are.
I've attached some images to give you a better idea of what it's doing. Sorry if I've not explained it well, it's difficult to explain unless you're there seeing it but it's driving me crazy and I've not been able to find a solution!
![Image: http://pre07.deviantart.net/ef13/th/pre/f/2017/029/a/b/viewport_issue_1_by_zeealex-dax5h9v.jpg](http://pre07.deviantart.net/ef13/th/pre/f/2017/029/a/b/viewport_issue_1_by_zeealex-dax5h9v.jpg)
![Image: http://orig11.deviantart.net/b3eb/f/2017/029/1/4/viewport_issue_2_by_zeealex-dax5hc6.jpg](http://orig11.deviantart.net/b3eb/f/2017/029/1/4/viewport_issue_2_by_zeealex-dax5hc6.jpg)
![Image: http://orig07.deviantart.net/9543/f/2017/029/6/7/viewport_issue_3_by_zeealex-dax5hfd.jpg](http://orig07.deviantart.net/9543/f/2017/029/6/7/viewport_issue_3_by_zeealex-dax5hfd.jpg)
![Image: http://orig03.deviantart.net/4a67/f/2017/029/a/8/viewport_issue_4_by_zeealex-dax5hil.jpg](http://orig03.deviantart.net/4a67/f/2017/029/a/8/viewport_issue_4_by_zeealex-dax5hil.jpg)
No AMD hate please, it's all I can afford.
Thanks for any help!