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help modeling from concept art

polycounter lvl 5
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carrillo40 polycounter lvl 5
Hello everyone! i'm having trouble making a 3D model out of this concept.

i usually just start modeling the mesh posed but this time i'm having trouble keeping the symmetry and proportions right while matching the pose. i will probably end up giving it my own take with a few modifications but id like to stay as close as possible to the concept.

 in one question:
 How do you approach a concept when modeling?
do you model with symmetry and pose later? (advise for this would be great cause i find it harder to match the concept) 
about this specific model:
do you see any perspective/proportion mistakes in it? (it might be just me but i cant match the left arm and leg to look like the right ones while matching the pose p.s. i hope this sentence makes sense :smile:

thank you!


  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    - first of I think you must realize you can never make it exaclty as the concept and embrace that.
    - personaly I always pose later, you can always ad a-symmetry as the last step before posing.
    - again, a 2D concept is never perfect, especially not when its about symmetry and perspective, dont overthink it. usually the best way to do it is to pick a dominant half, for example, you try to match the right arm, and let the left one end up the way it does. I like to think thats how the concept artist would have wanted it anyway. in this example the front arm is most likely the dominant one, its the one with most detail and closest to the camera.

    TLDR: dont over analyze stuff, just start modeling and edit as you go, pick a side thats dominant. 
  • carrillo40
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    carrillo40 polycounter lvl 5
    @lotet yeah i'm a pro at over analyzing everything. thank you for the reply i will try and see what i can do.
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