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where have all the plycounters gone



  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    pior said:
    I'll piggyback on these two quotes if you guys don't mind :

    "People change. Websites change. Communities change."

    "I started a cyberpunk agent but Ive got no time for it at the moment"

    I agree with both statements, but at the same time an interesting thought experiment would be to ask : how long would it take to wrap up this cyberpunk agent using current current specs ? And : how long would it take to finish it if it was made under a 8k triangles budget... without sculpting ... with a 512 for the head and a 1024 for the body ?

    Yeah no problem, thats a good point! Ive actually been thinking about what I really want to achieve with this cyberpunk agent and for me it was kinda going to be a test of rendering and lighting in toolbag 3. So I wanted it to be current specs but Im actually thinking of just making him into a head and shoulders bust so that I can cut down on the amount of time required to get something reasonably high quality into toolbag 3 and do those experiments. So yeah it definitely helps to figure out what you want to achieve and within what specs.

    On the other hand there are seasons where there's nothing wrong with being busy with life and having no time for art, Im actually super busy in my personal life right now so personal art is taking a back seat but I'm super happy at getting engaged and planning a wedding. I will get back to my personal art sometime soon, still doing loads of art at work so its all good :) 
  • Mant1k0re
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    Mant1k0re polycounter lvl 8
    I never knew the old days and I don't doubt it was better before but Polycount has been by far my favorite website on the entiiiiiire internet for a few years now and I don't see that changing anytime soon :)

    There's a ton to learn from reading only even if you're not getting personal feedback! The newbies should be very happy this place exists at all as far as I'm concerned, I know I am

    Just felt this needed to be said in this streak of bitter-sweet posts. Thanks to all the artists taking the time to post useful information one way or another.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    bejesus - didn't know some of you guy were still alive, I was thinking you were all old wizened men (and women - sorry demon princess) back in the dw days.
    I was never an uber pc community member, but I still remember drooling over B1ll's work (it was like Christmas every time he posted in WAYWO thread), chuckling at Ben Mathis's profile name (thinking how'd the hell he get employed with that moniker) and recall browsing the site was never SFW with all the penis tanks galore!
    Not to put you all on a pedestal, but that getting that personalised constructive criticism about my modelling\textures from you guys back in the day was epic!The advice and technical knowledge provided made way more difference that any technical college training I ever received.I do hope the new guard is still able to continue inspire the newbies (and put of respectful fear into them) throughout the evolution of the pc community.
    They were good times, not to say these are bad times - just different (ah nostalgia..)
    So even if you (the old guard) have no time for pc community these days (life changes - shit happens), you definitely made an impact on some people...

  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    ZacD said:
    Yeah, the infamous polycount tough love is pretty much gone.
    There's no crying in Polycount!
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    idk if i'm lumped in there too, but i'm still around lurkin'. Polycount is my one pinned tab, and frequently look at stuff between builds :) 

    Try to scrub pnp... er 3dpnp or something... when i can, but i generally don't know if i want to look in wyawo, click on threads, or change forums to 2dpnp; feels fragmented. I should dedicate more time to looking at people's stuff, but would need to set the time aside to do it at night.

    Times between 7am and 10pm I barely do anything other than email and family time, with minutes of facebook. Work and home life consume 99.9% of my time.

    I do need, and want to give back though; this community is what pushed me to where I am today.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    I wonder if having an enforced title template would help a bit. One thing that killed me from the 3D forums is the amount of freaking random title " enchanted magical journey" you open it and it's an 2d army guy it's just annoying and happen so often .. Maybe something like
    "[Character/Props/TechArt/Environment/Animation/etc] [ Stylized/Handpainted/Realist/Physically Base Cartoon (teehee)/ etc] and a clear title"

    could help people to be more interested in the threads without having to create 10 million new subthread. Maybe even colour code idk, just tired of stupid misleading click bait title.

    I've not been here forever but, all my success and where I am in my life is thank to polycount. I learned everything here, I still want to learn here but i feel like if i post it's just gonna get bury under a tones of stuff and i'm pretty sure there's a lot of average joe like me that feel the same.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    Odow said:
    I wonder if having an enforced title template would help a bit. One thing that killed me from the 3D forums is the amount of freaking random title " enchanted magical journey" you open it and it's an 2d army guy it's just annoying and happen so often .. Maybe something like
    "[Character/Props/TechArt/Environment/Animation/etc] [ Stylized/Handpainted/Realist/Physically Base Cartoon (teehee)/ etc] and a clear title"

    could help people to be more interested in the threads without having to create 10 million new subthread. Maybe even colour code idk, just tired of stupid misleading click bait title.

    I've not been here forever but, all my success and where I am in my life is thank to polycount. I learned everything here, I still want to learn here but i feel like if i post it's just gonna get bury under a tones of stuff and i'm pretty sure there's a lot of average joe like me that feel the same.
    At least with quite a few environment posts they put [UE4] or [Unity] before the title so you can typically assume that they are environments.

    I remember this coming up at some point, but they don't want to be too strict with stuff like this. It would be cool to have some sort of tagging feature for these kinds of posts. Even a guideline for showcase thread titles on the intro thread, like they have for asking questions would be useful, but then again there are some long time users that are guilty of shiity thread titles too.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Yep, we don't want to make too many rules.

    If we got rid of subforums and just had one Showcase section, everything would move off the first page immediately.

    We have hastags which are supposed to work as clickable search terms, which would be a nice organizing tool. But we're currently tracking down a bug where some of them don't work.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Not to liken myself to those people but one of the reasons I stopped visiting as much was that it felt to hard to navigate the new site back when the redesign happened + the speed of which posts disappeared/were created. Polycount grew quite a bit and it felt like the old crowd started disappearing and losing touch with each other.

  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Wahlgren said:
     Polycount grew quite a bit and it felt like the old crowd started disappearing and losing touch with each other.

    well, that's why YOU should stick around - I've been wondering what kept you away ;)
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Polycount has always been where I go to for the discussion, for talking about art, game industry issues etc. Artstation has now become the  final-art-gallery sadly I feel like most people just want the gallery and none of the process or discussion behind it.

    I'm also a bit sad over the state of things, but I know most of you guys are here still so :D at least that makes me happy. <3
  • Eric Chadwick
    The web is a huge place. Polycount's not the only way to connect with game dev artists, students, hobbyists. We just want to continue to offer a place for the community to talk & share stuff.

    If Polycount starts heading in the wrong direction, you'll let us know, and that's good. We've had some growing pains, and we've also made some more good changes over the last year or so.

    That's why I got involved. I recognize the value of having a place like this, somewhere to chat about dev issues with like minds. People who have been through the same grinder. There's nothing quite like it. That's what keeps me going, trying to make improvements here.

    But if the bird flies away of it's own accord, then that's fine too. It was meant to be free.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    I do like the fact that I can chat up people with "Hello, fellow polycounter..." on LinkedIn or when I deal with some clients. Always breaks the ice :)
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    I started getting active on polycount late in my career.  I've spent the last few years of doing mostly production (task and asset tracking) and contributing a few prop models here and there to the games I've worked on.  This site has helped me get to a place where I want to get back to my 3D artist and level designer roots and make art full-time again.  I come here to learn something new every day.  

    I'm married, with a seven year old and a baby on the way.  It has been really slow going trying to develop my art skills working evenings and weekends, but I've persisted over the last year and am working up the courage to post some of my own work here one of these days.  Seeing artists post their work-in-progress images here is inspirational.

    I wasn't around for "the good old days" of polycount, but I can tell you there are many amazing artists who share and enrich this community.  Thank you for making polycount what it is in the here and now.
  • mrawolf
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    mrawolf greentooth
    Alphawolf here!

    to me Polycount went from this great local dive bar with the best drinks and people, to a student bar . I drink else where now  but i still pop in for a pint every now and again and to check what the kids are up to these days.

  • sziada
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    sziada polycounter lvl 12
    I miss the old days where the challenges were popping up every few months, I also miss when the crits were savage, not this pc looks good man. I also remember that sexy old school look polycount had. I have made a lot of mates on this forum, but I barely come here nowadays.
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