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[WIP] Dark Alley

polycounter lvl 8
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beefskewr polycounter lvl 8
Hi everyone!!  I haven't posted in ages, but I am working on some personal pieces in my free time, and I though I would come to you for some constructive crit.  I'm modelng in Maya, texturing with Substance ( teaching myself Designer at the same time), and rendering them in engine with Unity.  Here is a quick progress render, I thought I would get it on here while I worked on some more set dress items and texturing the ones I have.  As always, thanks for looking, and I really appreciate you feedback!!  Have a great day!


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    I'm not a huge fan of the lights. The lighting looks great, but the actual lights themselves look far too white and bright to be down an alley like this. Great work on the textures, I really love the ground. Maybe add some variation to the wall on the right?
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