Hey guys,
Im trying to model this detail for a VR scene for a client but I can't for the life of me work out a simple way to model it.
I've tried using Boolean on a Helix spline but the cleanup required will take hours and it also produces poor results.
Any Suggestions?
Thank you advance!
You can also use the twist modifier for similar.
@Bek Love that method. So simple and clever.
Is this your tool? Are those profiles custom or presets? Looks great.
Have you seen the bevel profile tools in Modo? I was going to post a request on Max Ideas based on it. You can basically add from a list of spline profile presets/custom as you create an edgeloop or face extrude/inset and the edgeloop takes on the profile. Almost like a dynamic Sweep modifier with the path being an edgeloop that is part of existing geo rather than a 2d spline. A very useful tool indeed.
I haven't seen the bevel profile tools (I haven't seen a lot of things and I'm always open to similar suggestions), but I know that Martin Geupel aka DeadClown made a tool that does exactly that, though I don't think he made it public yet - you might want to contact him if it'd be useful for you (most of the time, the reason for not releasing tools like this is that it takes more time to make it foolproof and spit out nice error messages than to make the 'hard part' itself; I have plenty of such unreleased tools).
It seems like the bevel profile has been in Modo since 401! A very clever tool. I'm surprised it hasn't appeared in other 3D packages as standard.
Thanks again, mate.