Hi guys,
I'm learning this amazing tool : substance painter. I thought i understood the baking process. But no... (ahah)
Well, i ran into a problem.

I have an object with two textures set. One, the "corps" texture set is okay (good normal etc).
But the "lentille_arriere" doesn't work (big aliasing on edge). Cage doesn't work at all for "lentille_arriere". And with frontal and rear distance, it's working, but with big aliasing (i use subsampling 2x2).
- I think my cage is okay, it's working on a part of mesh.
- My uv's are okay, everything is between (1,1).
- My meshes are correctly named for "by mesh name" matching.
- No n-gone spotted on low an cage.
Thanks for your help.
Please, say me if i forgot to explain something on the problem.
And sorry for my approximative english...
I didn't know if my uv's matched, so i make a new cage. Now uv's are matching and the issue still remain. Maybe my issue come form my export workflow? I named all my mesh with the suffix high/low and export all in three fbx (fujinon_low, _high and _cage).
Is it possible if the problem come from unclosed mesh? (for optimisation purpose, i deleted some useless faces)
Here is a screenshot of the new issue maybe it will give you a clue?
/EDIT When i see the bad normal map i see like an overlapping with the good normal map. Maybe i forgot activating something?
The same high poly was used for all of these tests. That is the high poly for both Texture Set 01 and Texture Set 02 exported into one file. In instances of bad bakes the errors seemed to be isolated to Texture Set 01. Texture Set 02 baked with no errors. In Substance Painter's rendering settings, Match is set to "By Mesh Name".
For these tests I used two cubes. Each with their own cages and high poly. I used the following names:
Either I'm getting the naming convention for the cage file wrong or Substance Painter is having difficulty dealing with cages and multiple texture sets. It would be nice if the guys at Allegorithmic could look into this.
From the look of your bake, I would say some of your mesh are mis-aligned, probably the high-poly. It seems they don't overlap properly and therefor you end up will a lot of empty space in the normal which is then filled with the padding.