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Working on a Desert Enviroment

Hey, Was hoping I could get some help on this desert environment. I like where this is going but I feel kinda lost as to where to go with it. (no pun intended). So any help would be great. One big problem i know i'm having right now is that everything feels way flatter then it should. I have a feeling it's the Ambi light from the skydome since there is only one directional light in the file. So if anybody know a way to fix that that would be great!... OH! and another thing that bothers me is that my albido textures always seem to come out kinda meh but i can make every other texture fine.

I'm working in Unity 5.    


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    I think the vegetation needs quite a bit of work. The leaves look funny and there is no colour variation to them. Also, why are there wood planks on the ground? Where did they come from? For a ruin like this to have wood planks it seems like it would need to have been excavated at one point, but there's nothing to show this. It just seems like random wood planks in the middle of a desert ruin. Maybe if it seems flat, try out some interesting lighting? This might look cool with a red sun set or something.
  • Men_and_Monsters
    I think the vegetation needs quite a bit of work. The leaves look funny and there is no colour variation to them. Also, why are there wood planks on the ground? Where did they come from? For a ruin like this to have wood planks it seems like it would need to have been excavated at one point, but there's nothing to show this. It just seems like random wood planks in the middle of a desert ruin. Maybe if it seems flat, try out some interesting lighting? This might look cool with a red sun set or something.
    Yeah, I haven't really started working on the plants. i just 'color blocked' them. ( threw a color on it so that it's anything but gray while working). So i'll get on that. As for the planks. you know your right. they don't belong. they are leftovers from a previous idea. I just never noticed/overlooked them so I'll delete them. I've gone back and forth with mid day/ sunset / and night lighting. this is just the one I liked best but i can show you what it looks like under different lighting   
  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    I think you need to find some areas of interest and develop them. Like a hero piece such as an ancient artifact or a huge and intricate tree. In fact I quite liked the excavation idea, some generators, tools, scaffolding and all that like the Egyptian explorers of the early 20th century. 

    As for the lighting you could give it darker shadows with the ambient light, or do a sunset scene and lighten up some areas with floodlights or those flamey torchy things. 
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    In general, you just need more color contrast.  Your level is dominated by that sand color.  More vegetation could break that up a bit.  Also consider making the ground a slightly different color, or adding some other bigger elements to bring more color to the scene.

    Additionally, it looks like you have some parallax on the ground, but you are getting some stepping, I would tone down the amount there and avoid that.
  • Men_and_Monsters
    sorry I have been away from my thread. life got in the way. Thank you guys for the feed back. I'll get right on that stuff! I do like the idea of making a hero shot and the floor is easy enough to fix. thanks for pointing it out. I saw it as well once i took a break from it. I booted up the file and when " YEESH! why the hell did i do that". I guess sometimes you really do just need to step away.
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