Hi guys,
@KielFiggins was kind enough to give us a free Deadpool rig I thought it'd be good to start a new animation challenge thread. This is mainly for myself since I really wanted to play with the rig but if anyone wants to join in, that would be awesome. No time limit on this one, just for fun.
Challenge: Do something cool with the Deadpool rig (it can be action, personality, dialogue, anything)
http://polycount.com/discussion/181444/deadpool-free-maya-rigHere's a gif of what I have blocked out so far:

Feedback welcome!
Here's a first spline pass on my combo animation:
Also, does anybody know of any cool sword trail plug-ins / scripts / techniques for Maya?
If you want to track the tips of the sword, I would constrain a locator to the tip and track that! I use EBtools
Hope this helps!
awesome stuff - main note is when he comes into his final pose - the arms feel a bit even in terms of timing/movement. I would break them up a bit
I ended up using this for the trail effects:
So cool!
-When he springs off the wall, he seems a bit light. I'd really exaggerate the squash and stretch there to add more energy to his leap. That should also help make the piece more exciting
-I think it'd be nice to have him slide down the wall a bit further to give the viewer time to process the awesome move you've animated. The transition from sliding down the wall to leaping off seems to happen a little too fast, in my opinion...
-After landing, I'd have him run off screen to create a sort of "where's he off to next" kind of story point and continue the momentum. Right now, his ending is a bit anticlimactic, and his landing feels like it's missing a little weight, e.g., I'd expect him to crouch more and for a few frames longer before rising up, since the legs are natural shock absorbers. If you'd like to end it there, perhaps a dynamic landing pose would really sell the ending (I'm trying not to suggest you use the "3-point stance" but you get the idea lol)
Here's some reference I just found:
Hope this helps, and keep up the great work!
There is no need for him to start and end stationary and I think it would work better if he runs on screen and then off again. If would make it feel like the scene is part of something bigger rather than just animation practice. Maybe he could start by running past the camera with the camera quickly readjusting to catch up with him.
Good luck!
i did this walk cycle with deadpool rig
Hi everyone,
I am CoJoAnimation. New to this forum, Kiel Figgins has suggested I post what I've done so far with this Deadpool rig. Here is the first test I did a couple weeks ago.
Got a few things that need fixing, most notably the transition from the "Superhero Landing!" into the run. But it's a start!
Honestly, when I saw your first pass upload I was sad you lost some of that awesome snappiness you had in the block out stage but you killed it on the 2nd pass and brought everything together nicely! Love the hang and shoot at the apex of the jump! Thought about spinning one of his blades for some asymmetry? Might be distracting the more that I think about it but I want to throw it out there.
Total nit-picky note: At the very end, as he's recovering back to his stand pose, I feel like his arms IK drift back into the final resting pose. It stood out to me only because the rest of his body is mostly still/stopped by the time his arms start settling (from what I can tell from the wide camera angle).
Again, great piece of animation!
It didn't take too long once I'd decided on the key poses, I only spent an hour or so at a time on it so probably around 8 - 10 hours in total.
@delanimo7 Cool sequence, would love to see more of it!
@LloydHallam Looking good, you've got some nice poses in there. Looking forward to seeing the next pass!
there some great animations here. I wanna share a run cycle I made using this rig!
Any comments/feedback are most welcome!
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/209437165" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
Some feedback:
- Right now it feels a little weightless, if you see his lower body it moves like a robot and his COG don't translate to the sides according to his weight, it just rotates.
- Try to avoid that his feet only go forward without going to the sides
Looking to continue with a couple more passes!
I'm super late to this party but I dedicated a little time to start playing around with this rig, it's really cool! Anyway, this was just a test to get familiar with the rig -- I'll have a go at something with a little more punch soon :-D