Hi guys!
I'd just like to share a plugin I've been working on recently that is nearing release
Megascans Maya Bridge is a plugin for Autodesk Maya that allows you to quickly and easily set up shaders for your Megascans atlases and surfaces.
Current support shaders are:
Arnolds aiStandard shader
Rendermans pxrSurface shader
Blinn, Phong, Lambert
I'll be integrating other free renderers such as mental ray before release, and commercial renderers will be supported upon request
Each renderer has additional options such as saving to Rendermans Preset Browser.
This will also be coming to 3ds Max, MODO and Unity! I've also been requested to look into C4D.
Big thank you to
@Fansub for giving me the OK to make this public as he has a private tool that is similar that I discovered on his 80.lv interview while looking for current options.