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UE4 - Street Corner - WIP

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nnodley vertex
Hey guys,

Here is a new piece I am working on. It's a street corner for like an apartment building.  I found some images of a couple New York buildings that I liked and went with it.  The building was able to be broken down into modular pieces easily.  Using a couple foliage props from the UE4 Kite Demo so as not to worry about those so much.  Wanted to focus on the hard surface assets more.   Brick and asphalt is from substance source that I brought in and tweaked the parameters.  I still struggle with substance designer which is what i'm gonna focus on after this piece is finished.   Everything else in the scene is textured in substance painter.  Still a few props left to texture.   

Any C&C is welcome.  The part I struggle with is those small/finer details to pull it all together.  Texturing is a struggle of mine too.  

Will post some new updates tomorrow.


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