Wow, been using Unity from the first version and never seen a good lighting and reflection scene like this. Very nice job! Are you using Adam post effects? Very like the fog you added in the Bird House scene of your portfolio, is Atmospheric Scattering Fog?
looks very nice but what stands out negatively to me are the top tiles, the black ridges between the tiles, the color and they are glossier on the reference. The wall tiles also look very perfect and flat compared to the real ones, considering the large surface area, it would be worthwhile making them nicer. Adding another ventilation piece at the top like in the reference would also leave that area less empty.
Really like the atmosphere, art is amazing as well. The only thing I would change is the lighting, I would make the light sources slightly less bright with a bit of a greenish tint.
Very nice job! Are you using Adam post effects? Very like the fog you added in the Bird House scene of your portfolio, is Atmospheric Scattering Fog?
Another view