when I'm trying to use xnormal to bake my normal map, i get these results. i have my LP model, the cage and my HP model. these objects are from a tutorial except the hp model, so it should be working, but its not. I get some overlapping on xnormal and some objects aren't showing.
I tried all the options for hours but nothing changes.
if somebody could take a look at my models I would be grateful.

You can reset xforms and turn on backface culling in max to test as well, but xnormal viewer will show exactly how xnormal is reading the mesh.
no, my normals are good and not flipped. Could my problem come from my hp model of zbrush?
I use a cage for my LP model. I'ts matching perfectly. I am going to check some other options.
I keep you updated if something changes.
Thanks guys!
Thank you for proposing your help and Sorry for my late reply. I had a lot of work lately so I ended up restarting it from the beginning and it worked out!