Having a problem with texturing. When i apply the texture to the model it appears blurred/low res in the viewport (3ds max). It's most likely that my UV islands are too small or i'm inserting images onto the UV in PS incorrectly. Can anyone suggest where i'm going wrong? Thanks.
Aside from that you can go to configure viewports>display performance>set your texture maps res up to 2K
Overlapping UVs/stacking/stretch texturing/atlasing outside 0-1 are all very common unwrapping techniques in game asset creation.
What I've done so far:
Unreal just overwrites it with it's own lightmap that doesn't quite work and when i turn generate lightmap off it just leaves one channel. Am i missing something?
I just thought of adding a bit of detail. A link to my video on Blurry Textures in 3Ds Max: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYspji1EV9A
About Lightmap, if you are new, watch my series, here is the last episode about import to Unreal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjKhNi8ytNs
Also, as musashidan said, you can optimize your UVs more by stacking them and adding more Material IDs.
Have a great day!
I get everything you've both said but what would i do for something like a single thin plank of wood if it was part of a model with totally different textures to wood. I've made one as an example.
I get that the UV is too small or the texture in PS is low res but can't figure out what i need to do. I doesn't look too bad at a distance but if you zoom in or walk up to it it's all blurry. I'm fine with texturing objects that have big square UV's put when i get tall thin ones i can't get them to look good (pictures below)
I appreciate the help
As I mentioned above, the image will look blurry in the 3Ds max viewport if the texture size is low resolution, and you really can't do anything about it. You need to render out an image of the model too see how it will look in game. (This is due to the viewport engine Nitrous Drivers)
You should look into filtering to get a sharper image. This applies to both 3Ds Max and UE4.
You can find filtering in 3Ds Max by following the Blurry Textures video, or by selecting the Bitmap and change the Filtering to None.
Alternatively you can make the texture cover a space in the UV editor from top to bottom and then go outside of the UV space to repeat the texture. This will only work if you have a seamless texture though.
The easiest solution would be to increase the image size in Photoshop (Image size of 512 pixels or 1024 pixels would do fine for this). Then you would have to recreate the wood. If you are using textures online they have to be in the size of 512 or higher for them to be useful for you.
Write here again if you still have trouble and I'll try to see what I can do
@CL3D - Consider using tiling textures.
And it obviously goes without saying that you should always source your base textures from decent images. This isn't as much of an issue these days but, in days past it certainly was.
Did you mean stretch it like this? Cause it still looks pretty blurry or is that because i need to make it tileable? Are there any tutorials on this and can you still use other UV's and textures on the same UVW once it's tileable?
so far i've gone from this
to this
You can lay any UVs across any texture/part of texture that you want. Baking maps is the only exception to this and requires non-overlappoing UV shells inside 0-1. Overlapping UVs/stacking/stretch texturing/atlasing is very flexible once you get the concepts of how UV space relates to object/world space.
Thanks to everyone replying though it's helped
Having said all that, I do have a vid tut planned on this subject very soon.
No the renderer doesn't render 0-1. It renders infinitely tiling across UV space.(unless using UDIMs) Map baking, as mentioned above, considers 0-1.
You see the small UV shell on the left and the plank on the right. As you may notice the plank is very small in the UV Editor.
As I increase the size of the plank in the UV editor, the texture becomes more sharp on the plank.
Nothing stops me from going outside of the checker pattern, I can make it as large as I want. The larger I create it, the sharper the texture will be.
I forgot to show the texture in the Editor so here is one last image of that.
I hope this helps!
You can even overlap your UV shells, like I have done below.
So in short, no you won't render another UVW template. When you export your model, a valid file format, (.fbx for example) will store the coordinates of your UV's and it wont matter where they are. Since the texture repeats itself, all of the shells will have a texture.
On the other hand, it's a good practice to stay within the 0-1 space. But you are free to do whatever you would like, as long as you get the result you are looking for.
Hope this clears everything up and have a great day!