Greetings all! I just realized there is this amazing community here I have been under-utilizing. I am currently working as a concept artist intern at Skydance Interactive. I am always looking to improve and showcase my personal work to fellow artists who can give critique or just simply to connect with. I mainly do character design, but when I am inspired, I create environment and vehicle work, though the inspiration doesn't hit me for these quite as often

. I am looking to go to more cons this year including GDC and more, so I want to put my best face forward.
Much of this work is commissions done for clients. Most of my personal work is done for my IP: a graphic novel project that will be called Wayward Heavens. It is a fantasy epic that takes place on a distant planet and centers around the politics of technology and magic, how they work with and against each other, and most importantly, the characters who are caught up in the fray.
To connect further with me and my work on platforms I use a little more often, check out my Artstation Twitter

Austrinus seems to be a little between that and a attempt to a more rendered piece, but it's stuck between both, and it's neither!
I suggest doing some material studies, to really render all the material aberrations/exceptions you only notice when studying them and applying them to your design.
I like how you treat your paintings, that foot on the levitating character really has a lot of care into the edges
It's something a little bit better on the latter stuff you've posted, so you may be already addressing this. I really like your shapes!