So i think im quite good "high poly", "not for real time use" graphic designer (nothing special but im satisfied (a bit :-) ), mainly scenes, something like visualisations. But regarding real time graphics for computer games (low poly, baking etc.) i dont have a lot of experiences. I did some real time models for some strategy game like 5 years ago buts thats all... I know what a LOD, low poly, baking etc. is and have some very basic understanding but i would like to improve my knowledge of this "field" to such degree that i would be able to model any asset for real time games (engines like unreal, unity). Again im quite a decent modeler (more or less) and have years of of experience in 3ds max, just not game related, only high poly "scenes".
Would you know some specific tutorial series for people like me? (free or payed)?
2 : you can find lots of resources with a 5 minute google search and in the wiki button ontop of this forum.
Some links to get you started: