"Something Magical". Having fun with Japanese side-scroller level design. Modeled in Maya, 3dCoat and Speedtree. Textured in dDO and nDo, rendered in Unreal Engine 4. What do you guys think?
@Benvox2 Main sunlight something between orange and pink, blue skylight and blue fog. Some post-processing effects, done via LUT, contrast and exposure. Oh, and don't forget bloom. Hope that helps
@Benvox2 Main sunlight something between orange and pink, blue skylight and blue fog. Some post-processing effects, done via LUT, contrast and exposure. Oh, and don't forget bloom. Hope that helps
Very helpful, thanks for sharing! It all really helps to give that nice peaceful/soft feeling.
only thing i dont like is the water lol but thats my personal opinion
will be here if you update it
Thank you!
Main sunlight something between orange and pink, blue skylight and blue fog. Some post-processing effects, done via LUT, contrast and exposure. Oh, and don't forget bloom. Hope that helps