I'm working on these panels/walls for UE4.
I did 2 sizes for modular pieces (panels/walls, ceiling, ground) 300x300 / 600x600 in Centimeters Units.
For all the panels/walls, I have 3 Sub/material iDs :
ID1 : Panels/Walls
ID2: Frame windows
ID3 :Glass ( Frosted glass )
I unfold each panels/walls (300x300/600x600) like that, you can see on the pictures. I need to stick my UVs to the border of the Uv space to avoid seems between each panels. UVs from ID2 are overlapping on ID1. I think its not important, because I have 3 Materials with UE4. But I can't use Quixel for texturing, I didnt find how to use Multi/Sub material from 3DS Max.
Then, I have not the same texel density between 300x300 and 600x600. When I tried to get same texel density, Uvs islands became big or little.
I don't really understand how I can have the same texel density with my 300x300 and 600x600 panels/walls, and stick my UVs island to the border. I think it's impossible.
Maybe, I should use 1k texture for the 300x300 panels, and 2k texture for the 600x600 panels.
Under UE4, I did a little test with tiling texture and 2 materials.
For the 300x300, I used a TexCoord and 4 for the tiling. For 600x600 : 8 UV tiling.
My questions :
What is the right way to have the same texel density between panels/walls?
I need to use same texture and play with the UV tiling?
Need to use a 1k texture for 300x and 2k texture for the 600x?
I would to know how I could use Multi/Sub Object Material with Quixel.
Texel density for 600x600 and 300x300, UVs overlapping
It's just a test to check seems. Dont want this tiles
Hope I will receive more help.