I'am really new to hardsurface modeling and i just did my first hardsurface model and having these weard hard edge looking problems after bake. I did "set smoothing grps by uvw shells command in Tex tools. Here are the results i'am getting : https://gyazo.com/a691534f2b2a82677498e27ff1813516
One thing to keep in mind is exaggerating the roundness of edges in the highpoly so that detail is captured easier by the normal map, and so that edges still appear somewhat smooth at greater distances when there object is smaller on the screen. The age old example of this is here. How much you should exaggerate is pretty subjective though, and can depend on this like asset use (FPS or RTS? Objects could be quite different in scale here) and technical specs (normal map res - lower res would need fatter edges as you have less pixels to represent the smoothness)
2nd Picture: https://gyazo.com/fc573b974264e07dbce92d53c16ed078
Thank you man! What do you thing? is there any more improvements?