Hi, so This is pretty much my first time putting my work online so, I apologize in advance for awkwardness in general.
Critique is welcome, though I do ask that you try to keep it constructive.
modelMaya - Substance Designer - Substance Painter - Photoshop/Illustrator
- 2016
modelMaya - Substance Designer - Substance Painter -Photoshop/Illustrator - 2016
modelMaya - Substance Designer - Substance Painter - Photoshop/Illustrator - 2016
Maya - Substance Designer - Substance Painter - Photoshop/Illustrator - 2016
modelMaya - Substance Designer - Substance Painter - 2016
It's a 3D printing demonstration that show (roughly, with some added artistic flair) what polyjet 3D printing looks like at a microscopic level.