Hi people
I made several .sbsar files in substance designer, due to pipeline my normal maps should be OpenGL.
When I import those sbsar in painter I noticed that the normal input is set to "auto".
'auto' is read as DirectX by default in Painter, no matter what.
The only workaroud is:
1- import the sbsar
2- fix the normal from 'auto' to 'GL'
3- save it as new material and export it (as sppr)
4- manually delete the .sbsar from painter shelf folder in documents
substance player has not this issue.



Having to save out sppr (?) versions of all materials, and going through that process every time a change to the material takes place, is a major headache. That or having to trust that the individual artists will remember to manually go in and switch the "auto" to "OpenGL Normal".
This way there is no need to change the color space in the interface of Substance Painter.
it looks like that .sbsar doesn't export userdata
@MmAaXx It's working for me in Painter (after a bunch of trial and error...). You need to write out "ColorSpace=NormalXYZRight" on your output normal node (not on the user data of the base substance, like I was doing).
Thanks a bunch, dudes