So I have been worked on this character in my spare time at home lately. Going for a nice stylized look, with exaggerated proportions and a toony style. Feedback and critique is more than welcome. He will be turned into a game ready rigged low poly character in the end.

Only tweaks I would suggest is that I would change up parts of him so he is not so symmetrical. The belt is great and makes it harder to notice, but on areas such as the boots and clothing creases, it's a lot more noticeable. Mix it up a bit and you'll have a fantastic and quirky asymmetrical character!
EDIT: And before I forget, I might also add more of a slope between the wrist and the thumb knuckle area (I'm a character artist with a terrible memory for anatomy names!). He has thick gloves, but I feel there should still be more of a slope like these thick gloves, if that makes any sense?
I hear what you're saying about the knuckle area, but I don't want it to end up being too puffy though. Will give it a second pass and see if I can bulk it up a bit more.
I just wanted to post an update on him with a few shots of his wireframe. Been playing around with his normal map quite a bit, and having some issues with mirrored UV's and normal maps, but it seems like some UV offsetting will be able to do the trick.
Here's a few progress shots so far.