This may fail completely as I've never tried something like this. But I hope 3Daily will motivate me to finish overdue work and improve a lot faster! Not sure if everyday will happen, but maybe every other day until speed increases.
Work coming soon.
Sculpts, Models, whatever needs to get done.
Would like to look back on this at the end of the year and laugh at how clueless I was about modeling.
Not amazing, but a late night/early morning quick one. Baby Rabbit to go with the mother I'm working on.
Low Poly Pram for said baby rabbit
Realising I'm not a modeller
Wasn't started today, but something Id like to call 'finished' for now and What I spent most of my day on. Need to move on to retopology and texturing. Though I acknowledge some parts are a little rough.
Welp! Haven't been posting, because I was stuck on retopology. I managed to retop the entire portrait, but realise I've done the process of hair backwards, so ended up laying down several planes and cubes to bake the sculpted hair onto. Not sure if it'll even work.
Day 15
Day 16
Baking Portrait and finished retopology
Day 17 - Baking
Day 18
Yes aha, it was a bad idea to do it like that, and didn't work out great. I'll have to try again another time.
Keep forgetting to post here.
Here's how the bunny went this week put together and textured.
Also with texturing that portrait
some roughness
Couldn't think of anything to model before bed. So here's some rocks. Need to pick up a new project.
Will probably move onto foliage or props.
So I've got a month worth of things to catch up with! Hopefully the busy 3D project I've got right now will help me get to 365 worth of updates. So without much ado, here's a shameful comeback.
The current project is inspired by Firewatch.
So I will be posting very many rocks and foliage from here on out.
Day 25 - Rock Cluster A High Poly Sculpt
Day 26 - Rock Cluster C High Poly Sculpt
#30 Rock Cluster F
#31 Rock Cluster G
#32 Rock Cluster H
#33 Rock Cluster I
Soon, I will have to retop, and texture all of these.
How the blockouts look in the game as of now without the bakes. I'm not responsible for the hard surface modelling or lighting.
#37 Tree G
The trees in our scenes, need normals and real foliage, so that's what I've been up to.
Today I have Tree D
#41 Rock B Textured
#44 Textured Rock Cluster A, trying to go for a stylised... flat highlight look
#45 Shrub 02
Doesn't really seem right to me.. Still need to get used to laying down planes.
#46 Rock Cluster C - Textured
#48 Rock Cluster F Textured
#49 Rock Cluster H Textured
#50 Rock Cluster I Textured
I feel as though I won't be able to create enough assets to make 365, or atleast work in 3D 365 times.
#54, 55, 56
2 more trees and a baked log. Probably doesn't look great to anyone else, but this was all a major learning experience. Although what I have learnt is to just use speedtree next time.
Spent a good portion of the day texturing everything in this picture. Very quick rough ugly textures. May touch them up before I share.
Team of 4 students over 3 months.
You can see where the project is currently at here: