So I bumped into this issue, where the OpenGL rendered 3D object is pitch black. No reflections, no nothing.
I googled/used the forum search and tried everything that was suggested in the threads, but had no luck.
>This< post came closest to my problem, but there is no solution in the thread.
What I tried:
-switched from OpenGL to IRay, worked!
-restarted my pc
-back to OpenGL
-disabled post effects (there was a visual change, but only what looked like a vignette, nothing on the black mesh)
-checked to the shader (set to default metallic/roughness)
-checked the inputs (including ao/...) also used the "BaseTemplate"
-checked with the materials I created yesterday, working after the tutorials (which are AWESOME! Thank you so much for making them!)
-updated nvidia drivers (using a GTX 770)
-reinstalled designer (version 5.6.0)
-rebuilt materials
-reloaded all shaders
.. still no luck
At this point I am desperate and have no idea what I could try next. Probably messed up at some point, but I can not figure out where

Would be awesome to get some advice!
Some screenshots to illustrate my problem:

I am awfully sorry for not getting back earlier! Thank you very much for your quick reply though.
Unfortunately my mainboard decided to betray me on the same night I wrote this post.
The PCIe holding my video card stopped working, which might be the reason for issue in the first place.
I checked it with another computer and also with my new pc and I could not recreate the problem
To answer your question (although now obsolete):
Yes I also tried to reset the scene, which did not help