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marvelous designer vs marvelous designer for steam

polycounter lvl 5
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allknighter polycounter lvl 5
Hello Polycounters!
I have decided to buy a license of marvelous designer, but then i found that steam had marvelous designer at 3/5ths of the price, with the added "for steam" at the end.

anyone know what this may entail?
or does anyone have any noteworthy experiences with buying from a 3rd party retailers?

thank you :smile:


  • MatejCH
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    MatejCH polycounter lvl 6
    Hi, I looked at its licence and then of steam forums because it was little bit confusing. And it looks like freelance licence. One of steam users  summarizeit here http://steamcommunity.com/app/528100/discussions/0/152390014782796075/
     1) "I'm a freelancer working on my own. Can I use MD commercially? Yes."

    2) "I freelance part-time, but work for somebody else during the week? Can I use MD commercially? No. You need a full, non-Steam license."

    3) "I just started a company. Can we use MD commercially? No. You need a full, non-Steam license."

    4) "My company wants to buy the cheaper Steam version instead. Can they use MD commercially? No t hey cannot. They need to buy a full, non-Steam license."
  • myclay
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    myclay polycounter lvl 10
    Hello allknighter
    the Steam version has the same features.
    Its cheaper because you won´t be able to upgrade to a newer version with a promotional discount.

    the Steam version seems to have an always-on DRM/persistent online authentication.
    Which is if politely spoken troublesome since it opens a big can of worms.
    Just as an example; Steam servers might have small outages during the day or worse
    you have due to using a wireless connection no constant stable internet..
    Marvelous Designer will break in such occasions.
    Be wary of that Always online DRM and save often.

    you are allowed to use it for commercial purposes and they recently updated the licence;

  • allknighter
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    allknighter polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you for the replies!
    The "persistent online authentication" is a major dealbreaker for me ><, regular license it is.
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