I've decided to follow up the call for MAXScript tutorials with setting up a
patreon account where I'll start putting together a guide for intermediate MAXScripters from the bits and pieces of my know-how.
I see very few people creating scripted primitives or modifiers, yet they are really useful and fun to work with, and are also perfect for vector and matrix math practice with realtime feedback - and not hard to grasp. Let's change that,
Preliminary TOC:
Vector Basics - you won't need much, we're not making a game
Matrix Math for Dummies - it's simpler than you thought
Explaining the TriMesh - edges come in threes
Parameters and UI by Example - you might be surprised what you can store there
What Are All the Handlers for - hell, I only use a few
Create Tool - and its pitfalls
Ready-made Function Module - puting MCG to shame
Putting it All Together - let's have some fun!
When finished, it'll be free for everyone - it's more because I'm motivated in the process when I see there's a commited audience. Until then, it will all be accessible for
patrons on patreon. I will start adding stuff starting next week.
If you ever feel I've skipped something, the explanation doesn't really clear anything up or have a question, go ahead and comment there
Edit: here it is: Vector Primer
The vector addition and vector subtraction frames take some time to load, some patience is needed but then you can grab the handles and play for a while:
Anyhow, I personally was most interested in the math portion, as that's something which can be beneficial to know no matter what language you're using. I've only scratched the surface of what Maxscript can do though, so If you do decide to push forward with the project in the future, I'd love to read over it.
Edit: Thanks for the vector portion! I know basic vector math, but since I'm self taught there is almost certainly a few pointers I'll be able to pick up from this. Will go over it later today.