So, in Krita you can paint in floating point with scene referred values, so that's values above 1.0... in other words, HDR

I rewrote the internal selector recently to make it easier to pick colors with values above 1.0, and currently, in a branch it is possible to store non-8bit colors into a color palette. This combined with a ocio config that recenly has been tested in the blender scene, I decided to do some tests:

This is the first test. I added a filter layer with a blur of about 35px, and then a gradient onto that filter so it would give a defocus effect. The two views are different versions of that config being applied. Left one a more generic naive application and right one a more sophisticated one.
Then, I got inspired by the blueish twilight we have here during winter, and I really wanted to paint it:

This is the image in Krita with no to little post-processing in it. Took me a few days to finish, and it still has several proportion issues in there, but I am pretty pleased none the less.

I then took it into blender for post-processing. I wanted to actually see if I could blur progressively, which is why I kept the layers seperate, but in the end it seems my computer isn't strong enough for that

So instead I slapped on a glare node and some color balance.

Finally, this is what I ended up with. I have this as my current desktop wallpaper now...
I'll post more tests when I finish them