A couple of years ago I either thought of or read about faking perspective on textures using aniso filtering.
Since we can infer the perspective from the particular mip level that's being picked, we can modify our texture to take advantage of that- basically going from the grass texture on the left, to something like the texture on the right; (both found on google)
In short I'm wondering if anyone has tried this, if it's been used anywhere, and also any opinions on if it could actually be useful. I'm assuming the answer to all those questions is no.
The first texture is meant for a semi-horizontal ground surface, but the second is meant for a vertical billboard (with alpha). How would you expect to transition between these?
We have an example here of adding color to lower mips to fake fog or fresnel.
But typically this is not worth the authoring effort, and runs into other problems like other nearby meshes not matching the same look.
The middle image is equivalent to our traditional grass texture, and on the right is what the first aniso mip might look like.
If you used a perspective camera and you tiled that on the terrain, the texture would not create any parallax between bottom of grass stem and tip, so it would look bad anywhere but exactly in the middle of a straight-aligned camera.
If you panned the camera left or right, I think it would also break.
Best thing is to try it and see. Nothing beats actually experiencing it, opposed to just theorizing.
Take a look at the article about 2.5d texturing in Vertex 3.