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Materials form substance designer look terrible in substance painter?

polycounter lvl 9
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Sunray polycounter lvl 9
I've made some materials in designer and when I publish them to painter they look awful. I Published them with relative to parent at zero and ticked seed and output size on in parameters. I don't get an output size parameter in painter only seed. Also the material icon looks weird here are some screen shots 


  • NinaCammarata
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    NinaCammarata polycounter lvl 2
    I commented this on your Facebook post but I figured I'd repost it here for anyone else who might have this problem (if this is actually the solution-- we'll see I guess haha) 

    It looks like you have a height map possibly in your designer file. If you don't actually need it in substance painter you'll have to go into the material channels on the layer in Painter and disable height. It should look like normal after that.

    if you do want height for whatever reason you can set the intensity in the viewer settings. Match the value to your height value in designer and that should do it. No automatic alt text available

    I had a similar problem a while back and this was the issue. So maybe
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    I commented this on your Facebook post but I figured I'd repost it here for anyone else who might have this problem (if this is actually the solution-- we'll see I guess haha) 

    It looks like you have a height map possibly in your designer file. If you don't actually need it in substance painter you'll have to go into the material channels on the layer in Painter and disable height. It should look like normal after that.

    if you do want height for whatever reason you can set the intensity in the viewer settings. Match the value to your height value in designer and that should do it. No automatic alt text available

    I had a similar problem a while back and this was the issue. So maybe
    Thanks Only problem I'm having now is that it looks like it's really low quality I set the output size to relative to parent at zero when publishing. I have sp texture size set at 4k but it looks like I'm using very low quality textures. While they look great in substance designer with the output size of 4k 
  • affington
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    affington polycounter lvl 2
    your uv shell's texel density is to low would be my bet. add more map's for those items maybe or look at using micro normal detail in your engine of choice. 
  • bradhb3d
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    bradhb3d polycounter lvl 8
    I second what @affington said. Also, if you are using Trilinear projection method you'll also end up with bilinear interpolation smoothing most likely, which will soften your details. What does your UV layout look like?
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    No it has noting to do with the texel density here is what the material looks with a uv scale of 1:1 
    When I put my ouput size to absulute 4k it looks fine in painter but I still have no material icon It's still white with a normal map only.
    And the ao ouput doesn't work
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    Increase the tiling. Right now it looks as if your Substance Painter materials tiling is not as much as your Designers.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    RobeOmega said:
    Increase the tiling. Right now it looks as if your Substance Painter materials tiling is not as much as your Designers.
    No fixed it had to publish with absolute 4k size, and sp only generates thumbnails based on base color metal and roughness outputs. I'm pretty disappointed how bad substance works with the specular workflow
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    1. If your material is based on a bitmap, you need to set the size of your bitmap to absolute wtih the original resolution of the bitmap, and set the next node to relative to parent x 1. If you set the bitmap to relative to parent only the default parent size (256) will be embedded in the substance.

    2. If you are using a Specular/Gloss model, you need to change the default thumbnail shader in the preferences to get accurate thumbnails.

    3. Don't change the Height Force settings in the viewer settings, it's only a visual tweak and will not reflect the final exported result. 
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Jerc said:
    1. If your material is based on a bitmap, you need to set the size of your bitmap to absolute wtih the original resolution of the bitmap, and set the next node to relative to parent x 1. If you set the bitmap to relative to parent only the default parent size (256) will be embedded in the substance.

    2. If you are using a Specular/Gloss model, you need to change the default thumbnail shader in the preferences to get accurate thumbnails.

    3. Don't change the Height Force settings in the viewer settings, it's only a visual tweak and will not reflect the final exported result. 
    Thanks man this helps a lot do you also know if I can view my opacity in painter with using the specular workflow I know they have a shader for it with the metal workflow. The only one I see for specular is non pbr spec gloss shader.
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    There will be one soon. In the meantime, you can easily add transparency support to a custom spec gloss shader. Just locate the default spec/gloss shader, create a copy of it and copy-paste the few lines having to do with transparency from the metal/rough opacity shader.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Jerc said:
    There will be one soon. In the meantime, you can easily add transparency support to a custom spec gloss shader. Just locate the default spec/gloss shader, create a copy of it and copy-paste the few lines having to do with transparency from the metal/rough opacity shader.
    Thanks man I really appreciate the help.
  • cesarinm7
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    cesarinm7 polycounter lvl 8
    Hi guys, seems I have the same problem but I didn't use a bitmap image, just everything procedural in substance designer.. I¿ve been working at 2k resolution and I exported the .sbsar file but I still have the same problem, when imported to substance painter (which is also at 2k) I get a very low resolution material compared to the other materials created inside SP. Thanks 
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