Hi guys, I'm looking for a way to bloom/glow/emissive my alpha cut out that is mapped to a quad. I'd like a shader that glows like the emissive does in unreal, that is not just a fake texture where you have to create the glow with a texture, but it actually creates bloom based on the brightness of the shader. Does such a thing exist for the Maya viewport? Looking to achieve the below image in the viewport.
I don't think Viewport 2.0 supports any post processing. You could try a 3rd-party iterative renderer, like furryballRT or V-Ray RT but they're not as responsive as a game-like D3D or OGL viewport.
I think it can, but it would have to be scene based, reading from a shader on an object(s). Viewport 2.0 has an API and rendering overrides, which I think is the route you'd need to go to do some post processing based on the incandesence attribue of a default material.
Okay, we'll I guess I'll explore using a render layer with Maya software and their native glow shader. I would have thought this would be possible with shader fx.