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survivor character (W.I.P) need honest feedback

shubham kumar
polycounter lvl 9
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shubham kumar polycounter lvl 9
Hi everyone i am working on this survivor character i am using shane from walking dead as reference  . Highpoly is still rough . Now i am feeling that i need some feedback so i have decided to post my wip which i really hesitate to and i don't know why. i can get brutal feedback  in personal but never went for a public feedback  with W.I.P work because most of the time i  get ignored so i feel like waste of time but now i have decided to get as much feedback as i can on polycount and wherever possible . 
this is without any fancy skin pores and stitches just secondary detail , i am still not sure about arms .

another thing is since he is a survivor is only T-shirt good on him or should i add something else like a jacket or a bag  ?
please give honest feedback does it suck or can be improved ? 


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