Came across this: artist is using texture atlas I am guessing, so he is using one texture for a number of repeating faces/elements which is really cool. Since everything is one model, how would one bake the lightmap using lightmass in ue4? Would the lightmap res have to be like 8k due to the model size in the scene relative to say a ground floor house?
or break it into smaller pieces and each piece uses like 2048 or 1024 textures?
Would using high res lightmap for a large model like this cause performance issues?
I intend trying out ue4 for archviz at some point so I am currently researching properly ( I have tried out ue4 before in the past tbh but found it lacking for archviz). I normally use offline renderers hence the question.
Regarding the performance cost, also from the UE4 documentation:
High res lightmaps will be vital towards creating photorealism using ue4 to catch the global illumation, color bleed, bounced lighting and shadow details accurately. I am thinking using Texture atlas maps like this video would drastically reduce the draw call and improve performance for scenes rather than having elements with their own textures and materials. Thats where vertex painting using lerp and height lerp comes in.
You are right, I would have to try it out myself to determine the results.