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polycounter lvl 2
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L4TF2 polycounter lvl 2
Where do you place them?


  • omar_0007
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    omar_0007 polycounter lvl 9
    Hi, poles are a really common thing, make effort to avoid having them in vicinity of folds or very acute curvature.

     I wouldn't worry about them much because there are ways to work around them if they cause issues. They do cause problems when you have polys around them that do not really have equal surface area cause you might get distortion in painting textures and sculpting details.

     When you subdivide the polys you could have issues, like for example if you were to make it high poly for sculpting and say smoothed over the poles they would get really pinched, almost like a pin was poking through. You may know already so I apologize for going on. It might really be down to how many polys you are working on, it could be totally unnoticeable.

     Good luck, may be worth just like seeing your model as a subdiv or something if you have concerns. See how things are acting
  • L4TF2
    Offline / Send Message
    L4TF2 polycounter lvl 2
    omar_0007 said:
    Hi, poles are a really common thing, make effort to avoid having them in vicinity of folds or very acute curvature.

     I wouldn't worry about them much because there are ways to work around them if they cause issues. They do cause problems when you have polys around them that do not really have equal surface area cause you might get distortion in painting textures and sculpting details.

     When you subdivide the polys you could have issues, like for example if you were to make it high poly for sculpting and say smoothed over the poles they would get really pinched, almost like a pin was poking through. You may know already so I apologize for going on. It might really be down to how many polys you are working on, it could be totally unnoticeable.

     Good luck, may be worth just like seeing your model as a subdiv or something if you have concerns. See how things are acting
    Thanks for the feed back! I never knew about the whole curve / folds thing.
  • omar_0007
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    omar_0007 polycounter lvl 9
    L4TF2 said:
    omar_0007 said:
    Hi, poles are a really common thing, make effort to avoid having them in vicinity of folds or very acute curvature.

     I wouldn't worry about them much because there are ways to work around them if they cause issues. They do cause problems when you have polys around them that do not really have equal surface area cause you might get distortion in painting textures and sculpting details.

     When you subdivide the polys you could have issues, like for example if you were to make it high poly for sculpting and say smoothed over the poles they would get really pinched, almost like a pin was poking through. You may know already so I apologize for going on. It might really be down to how many polys you are working on, it could be totally unnoticeable.

     Good luck, may be worth just like seeing your model as a subdiv or something if you have concerns. See how things are acting
    Thanks for the feed back! I never knew about the whole curve / folds thing.
    No problem, I have just noticed this stuff from my own experiences. You would only really see issues when sculpting c:
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