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Toolbag auto convert input maps to Linear ?

polycounter lvl 11
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Nam.Nguyen polycounter lvl 11
Hello everyone!

I have a problem with linear workflow in Toolbag,
so basically, if I don't check the use sRGB option then Toolbag will treat my input maps as linear, right ?

my maps exported from substance painter are already in linear space but seems like Toolbag still trying to gamma correct it.

this image showing roughness map in toolbag (left) and the actual roughness exported from SP (right )

The render in Toolbag is also look glossier and have less contrast in roughness value
( both render use the same lightning from an HDRI image and Toolbag reflection set to GGX )


  • EarthQuake
    Certain maps will load as linear by default, like normal maps (which are always linear), and gloss/roughness maps (which are usually linear), while others like diffuse or specular maps will default to sRGB.

    What you're seeing in Toolbag is what the map looks like in linear space, it is not being gamma corrected. The map in Substance is almost certainly being shown to you in sRGB (gamma corrected), even if the shader is configured to use it in linear space. If you click the SRGB checkbox in TB, you should see essentially the same result as what Substance shows you in the 2D image preview, which would confirm that Substance is previewing the textures in sRGB.

    The differences in results between TB and Substance look pretty subtle to me and are likely due to small differences in the way the shaders and IBL are calculated in the two apps.
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