Hi everyone!
I have written a post some hours ago to get help but...no replies for the moment.
So I now try here, with a new topic, hoping in better luck.
This is my original message :
I'm a newcomer and I kindly ask you some help to solve a strange issue that I'm experimenting with Toolbag 3.
I must admit that I'm not very skilled both inf realtime rendering engine and in texturing/uving/retopo,
because my "comfort zone" is rather modelling in general and in particular 3D Nurbs modelling.
For some time I'm trying to gain skill in Poly/SDS modelling and my current pipeline is :
- 3D Nurbs modelling : Rhino V5/V6 WIP and Moi3D
- Poly/SDS : NVIL and Rocket3F (from the author of NVIL and Andrei Samardac)
- Special case 3D Voxels ; MagicaVoxel
- Uv/retopo/texturing : 3DCoat 4.7.17 (latest beta)
- 2D Gfx : Photoshop/Illustartor/Affinity Designer/Affinity Photo
- Not real time renderer : Thea Render (Unbiased CPU+GPU, Biased CPU)
- Real time renderer : Brande new InstantLight and Toolbag 3 (in demo)
This is the request of help I sent some hours ago to official support of Marmorset, but I want to ask also here
because I guess that you are very skilled people
If someone can help this would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This is the text of the email I sent :
Hi Marmorset Toolbag3 dev team and good morning.
I'm trying and testing your latest Toolbag3 demo version in order to
see if it meets my needs but I'm encoutering a strange issue and I don't know what to do.
I'm going to explain the scenario.
First of all I tell you my actual config :
Windows 8.1 pro 64bit
Laptop Clevo with i7 4790K 4.4 Ghz
32 Gb ram 1600
Nvidia Quadro K3100M 4gb ram DDR5 768 cuda cores
(The quadro card is used at 100% by system because my laptop has Nvidia Optimus disabled, so I use always the GPU card and no onboard card)
DirectX 11
1) I did this test using the most possible simple scene in Toolbag3
with the most possible simple obj file.
I used a very simple, obj 3 sphere 3 meters diameter.
The obj has no uv and no textures and has smooth polygons.
2) I had set up the most simple scene in Toolbag3
No HDRI, only background color, no camera effetcs.
3) I loaded the simple obj sphere into the scene and assigned
a very simple material to it.
I used only Diffuse Lambertian and Albedo color.
Nothing more.
4) I added only one simple omni light in front of the sphere
If I have "Cast Shadow" set to on for the light or the object,
I always see shadow glitches in the renderings.
Why ??
Please see this screen capture
If I turn off "Cast Shadow" for the light or the object,
the rendering of the shadow is correct.
Please see this capture :
6) I have also done a video screen capture to show you the issue.
The video is viewable in streaming.
So, what am I doing wrong ??
This is a very simple obj sphere...
I don't understand..
I wish that you can help in order to use Tollbag3 at the best.
Please, let me know.
Check your rendering options, because shadows with lights, work 100% fine with me.
Thanks a lot for your help.
It seems that things are better if I give some "Size" to the light.
But anyway the overall quality is still a little bit too low.
I was expecting something more from Toolbag 3, but evidently I have to learn it more in depth.
Thanks anyway.
- Marco (mkdm)