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Anyone Interested in my Final Fantasy Petition?

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kasigawa vertex

A few days ago I finished Final Fantasy 15 and found the story very dry and unoriginal. It definitely wasn't the game I expected since 2006-2007. I understand the game had gone through major changes such as the removal of Stella and the new direction by Tabata. Being such a hardcore fan of this game in reflection of the old trailers of Final Fantasy Versus 13, I couldn't help but to wonder what was the world Tetsuya Nomura designed for Final Fantasy Versus 13, the dark and mysterious tale based on a true story. Therefore, I took it upon myself to create a petition for the release of Tetsuya Nomura's story for Final Fantasy Versus 13. I created this post so that fans who have a similar interest can sign the petition and put our curiosity at rest; perhaps even make an alternate universe to Final Fantasy 15's fan base being based upon Tetsuya Normura's design instead of Tabatas. With this post I would like everyone to be free to carry a discussion on this topic as well as invite everyone to join and sign the petition.

The petition can be found here:

Here is also a wiki or a glimpse of the world designed by Tetsuya Normura:

Perhaps by signing this petition, we can all contribute to the creation of having Tetsuya Nomura or Square Enix to create a novel or release and make public Final Fantasy Versus 13's story script based upon Tetsuya Nomura's Final Fantasy Versus 13 which can be shared in the interest of Final Fantasy fans across the world.

All the trailers for Final Fantasy Versus 13:


  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Is this some sort of joke (not funny if it is)....?

    Because I find this terribly lame. The game went through devlopment hell for 10 years, it's already great that it managed to come out so great and polishd. I think you should thank Sq-Enix on this one for not having canned the project or  completely finished it ''Duke Nukem Forever''  style....

    Beside, this is probably the wrong forum to post that, you might get more positive replies on Neogaf, IGN and such...
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Narrative doesn't really seem to be Nomura's strong suit, to say the least.
  • kasigawa
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    kasigawa vertex
    @Blond Nope. No joke. Dead serious. Thank you for you opinion.
    @Fuiosg Perhaps you're right. I still would like to try, however.  I might have to wait until he's finished with Kingdom Hearts.
  • slipsius
    Talk about entitlement . . . Final Fantasy sells millions of copies every time. Why would they listen to a petition that has a goal of 100 people? 
  • Mstankow
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    Mstankow polycounter lvl 11
    This thread is embarrassing and serves as proof why nerds are terrible people.
  • kasigawa
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    kasigawa vertex
    That's not a nice thing to say. Isn't anyone remotely curious of what they game could have been? Surely I'm not the only one. At the least it would be interesting to purchase a novel of an alternate story of FF15.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
  • Joao Sapiro
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    You assume there actually was a script.

    You also assume those 'action sequences' were a part of a playable part of a game, when it's much more likely it was faked demo footage to look cool in a trailer.

    Games like this aren't developed like movies. Especially with old school developers.

    This is how it's traditionally been done:

    1) Find gameplay loop
    2) Find Gameplay progression
    3) Make Art to support Gameplay
    4) Write story to accomodate Art and Gameplay

    Sometimes these things will go out of order and will mess things up (Which I imagine happened a LOT in a 10 year development). Stories are the easiest things to adapt and change. 

    What I'm getting at is; there's a good to great chance there was never a real fleshed out story.  
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    I don't get this thread at all... Yeah the story is an hot mess, but they already are working on a huge fixing patch and also mention they'll be more of them later on... Also aren't petition like so 2000' nobody listen to them ever anymore..

  • EarthQuake
    What Jacque said. Also, of all the real, actual shit going on in the world to get worked up about... Seriously?
  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    of all the real, actual shit going on in the world to get worked up about... Seriously?
    This. There's a lot of much better things worth being upset over atm (such as this).

    change.org was originally meant for people to try and improve the world / politics in some sort of meaningful way, it's sad that this is the kind of thing people are actually using it for.
  • kasigawa
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    kasigawa vertex
    I've pulled the plug on the operation. I don't regret doing it, however. It's just too much to let go on the idea of high expectations since 2007. I thought this game could have been a masterpiece and something that could rival FF7. Overall I saw tremendous potential in it. So much potential that I wanted to become completely immersed in the character development, the advent children-like experience, and overall have a completely amazing character that I could connect with. Nevertheless, thank you for the positive feedback as much as the negative. I found your comments interesting.
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