This is a character I made for a university project. It's the first character I've modeled so crit is very welcome.
It's taken me 5 weeks so far alongside other projects and I'm handing it in for an interim assessment. My final deadline is in January so if there is anything I can do to improve by then I will do my best.
I think the area which needs the most work is presentation/lighting/texturing.
Modeling looks solid, but it is really hard to read because of the lighting.
First of all I would get rid of the black background as the silhouette of the character blends into that - try something more contrasting, maybe a lighter grey along with a vignette effect to start with.
Also, I would cut out the first 14 seconds of the video as it does not show anything other than a black background and a character which is too far away to see any details - in general I would do some more close up screenshots as a lot of people do not even watch videos.
I would also suggest to rerender the wireframe, maybe in a program other than UE4 - the mesh is fairly dense (also I am sure you can get rid of some polys without losing much detail) and also triangulated which makes it hard to recognize anything.
Aside from that, the materials look a bit like plastic and a bit noisy in some areas, maybe gather a bunch of good material references and try to recreate these. Other than that I would say it does not look bad, especially for a first character
I've included it in my current showreel