Hey guys, I'm trying to learn how to use Zbrush and I want to start with something I think simple: Doing a tiled texture with bricks
I reckon I still have ways to go, but I'll leave you the results I have so far right now, please give me any advise, tips or critiques you want!
The first one is the basic tile, and the second one is a 2x2 grid using the same texture.
Again, any feedback is very much welcome!
You could potentially throw some color variation in there to liven it up a bit, unless you were going for a monochromatic look.
It looks pretty solid though, good work!
I agree with the really dark block, I'll be fixing that soon. Also, on the color variation topic... I'm trying to do something like that but I find that it looks very...plain and I like the monochrome version better. I'll post that one too.
I added some color variation, as sugested by VeryCrunchyTaco ( I added a layer and used some blue and red hues, then used setted the layer type to color and lower it's opacity). I repainted some cracks directly on photoshoo so they could be more visible and also redid most of the crack on the down left brick that seemed off. Added a crack on the square brick in the very middle, I think it turned out pretty good for being my first time.Lastly, I added some highlights by hand, which are very visible on the single tile but on the tiled image it's no so notorious, which I like.
Any type of feedback is welcome! I don't know where to take it from now, so maybe I'll try to do a new brick texture to use all the knowledge I've gained.