Hello there, this Is where I'll be dropping some of my in-progress work, and projects that aren't quite ready for their own threads. Critiques are welcome and appreciated.
This is a test build using a set of lo-poly lo-res prefabs. It's pretty experimental at this point, probably less than a day's total build time. The "tiled" look is intentionally reminiscent of SNES era games, but it's still a long way from reaching a good balance between the retro aesthetic and modern design sensibilities. Although I imagine that a level made from these parts would probably run slower than one made from a single mesh, the tiled configuration does open up the possibility of destructible terrain and randomly-generated maps.
I had a bit of a phase earlier in the year where I did a number of starship models. At the time I had challenged myself to come up with some designs that would make a good compromise between a typical sci-fi design, and something which might be a viable design in real life. I'm not entirely certain how successful I was. As it turns out, some of the design features you might find on a "real" space cruiser don't really translate to the screen very well. (The non-reflective black paint job particularly comes to mind!) This was an earlier study of the design which I ultimately rejected for being too Star Destroyer-like. Given that the idea for this project came from a conversation about some of the odder design choices the Empire seems to have made when building their warship of choice, there may have been some subconscious influence there.
This is a 2D digital painting that I did, which I based on a piece of art a friend of mine made. (Some of said friend's work can be viewed here: https://www.behance.net/talyn ) I've thought about trying to model it, though it might be difficult to translate some aspects of the design into 3D space.
More progress on the lo-res tiles. Modified textures and added house parts. Next up will be to refine the door and window models, and make proper textures for them.
Just doing a bit of an art dump. I found a couple of renders from some old half-forgotten projects I did. After going back and looking at the mesh on this thing, it's probably for the best that younger me never got around to trying to rig 80's-style Samus for animation. That was a headache waiting to happen. Might be worth a redo someday though.
I actually did model in wires holding up the ship, but the old film filter I set up hid them. Given that poor film quality was what let those early special effects guys get away with using wires in the first place, I really should have seen this coming. Yeah, he's kind of a simplistic model, but there's just something I find charming about this overgrown soup can.
Ye Olde Castle Prefab. Me fooling around with painting-styled textures.
Don't think this one is quite ready for it's own thread, but I thought I might as well throw it out here and see if anything sticks. Anyway, I was watching the old Battlestar Galactica the other day, and I saw this guy:
He may be one of the show's principal villains, but I can't help but think of ol' Lucifer here as looking like he was purpose-built to serve as a robotic disco ornament. Maybe he looked more threatening in the concept art? I decided to mock-up a quick redesign of Discobot in a more modern style, while trying to keep a few hints of the original. It's just a quick head sculpt and some photo-collage work right now. Still debating about trying to do something more elaborate with it. I'd be more than happy to hear any criticisms anyone who runs into this might have.
Although I imagine that a level made from these parts would probably run slower than one made from a single mesh, the tiled configuration does open up the possibility of destructible terrain and randomly-generated maps.
This was an earlier study of the design which I ultimately rejected for being too Star Destroyer-like. Given that the idea for this project came from a conversation about some of the odder design choices the Empire seems to have made when building their warship of choice, there may have been some subconscious influence there.
In a slightly larger test, I re-created an area that might look a bit familiar...
Next up will be to refine the door and window models, and make proper textures for them.
After going back and looking at the mesh on this thing, it's probably for the best that younger me never got around to trying to rig 80's-style Samus for animation. That was a headache waiting to happen. Might be worth a redo someday though.
I actually did model in wires holding up the ship, but the old film filter I set up hid them. Given that poor film quality was what let those early special effects guys get away with using wires in the first place, I really should have seen this coming.
Yeah, he's kind of a simplistic model, but there's just something I find charming about this overgrown soup can.
Ye Olde Castle Prefab.
Me fooling around with painting-styled textures.
That'll about do it for now.
He may be one of the show's principal villains, but I can't help but think of ol' Lucifer here as looking like he was purpose-built to serve as a robotic disco ornament. Maybe he looked more threatening in the concept art? I decided to mock-up a quick redesign of Discobot in a more modern style, while trying to keep a few hints of the original.
It's just a quick head sculpt and some photo-collage work right now. Still debating about trying to do something more elaborate with it. I'd be more than happy to hear any criticisms anyone who runs into this might have.