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Need help with studying the Fundamentals

polycounter lvl 2
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N0talent27 polycounter lvl 2
Hey everyone

Recently I've been trying to study Fundamentals, i want to be a concept artist, but there are no good art schools in my country, so i have set up my own schedule. Right now i am studying perspective, rendering, figure drawing and dynamic sketching. The question i have that remains unanswered is how much homework should i give to myself, i usually do 1 rendering study and fill both sides of 15-20 A4 pages or 10-12 A3 pages for each other subject as a weekly homework assignement, i plan to do this 16 weeks and then change the subjects. Can anyone tell me if this is enough? or should change the way i do my homework? Or maybe i should completely change my schedule. Any kind of advice is welcome


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