@C86G yea i got to work on that, becouse i just like to get things immediately the way there supposed to look, and it is indeed more clever to make the car shape first now i think about it
well, almost got the hood done and after that i want to get the leftside of the car modelled
finaly had some time again to work on this, the hood is almost fixed how it should be also moddeled the volkswagen logo , i want to model the lights now but then i go in to much detail for the front while i didnt even start to model the back so thats maybe not the best decision so i will probably just begin whit the back and see how it will go
the tires whit brakes and suspension is about 5.500 tris
its still a bit to high but the only thing i know how to lower it is remove one of the suspensions... so if anyone has an idea and/or feedback its welcome!
First hour of modelling and i modelled a bit of the front and im trying some new tricks i learned from 3d lessons at school.
well, almost got the hood done and after that i want to get the leftside of the car modelled
for the ones that dont know how a volkswagen golf gte looks like/are not familiar whit the volkswagen golf gte;
finaly had some time again to work on this, the hood is almost fixed how it should be also moddeled the volkswagen logo
Some progress i made whit the car this week, im still working on my edgeflow becouse it aint the best but im trying to keep it good.
Feedback is always welcome!!
the tires whit brakes and suspension is about 5.500 tris
its still a bit to high but the only thing i know how to lower it is remove one of the suspensions... so if anyone has an idea and/or feedback its welcome!