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[Unreal Marketplace] User-friendly PBR Game Lamps

polycounter lvl 9
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ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
Hello lovely people of Polycount!

Please allow me to present to you the very first lamp pack on the Unreal Marketplace that has been specifically optimized for games! I would be a liar if I said that this post was not for advertising purposes but at the same time I am really eager to show the final screenshots because the whole package took me at least 300 hours to complete.

This lamp pack contains 11 blueprint systems that have been designed to give game developers and potentially archviz aficionados a hassle-free way of placing lamps in their scenes. Each blueprint comes with a number of settings in the construction script, 2 to 4 LODs per mesh, and a carefully tweaked light source to match your expectations!

Please find a short video and some screenshots below. Further information on the Marketplace:

For any questions, comments or feedback please feel free to leave a comment here in the forums
or drop an e-mail to uflamps@gmail.com and I will get back to you immediately


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