Hey guys!
I decided after seeing other class mates posting here to start posting some myself.
Animation is something I've focused my studies in this final year of school.
I attend The Game Assembly in Malmö, Sweden.
Run Cycle - 1 week halftime
SyncSketch:https://syncsketch.com/sketch/120603#131934Notes:First assignment. I decided to do a runcycle as a warm up for the projects to come since I haven't animated in a while before this assignment. Some known issues are too much headbobbing, too little hip rotation and I see a bit of arm and leg snapping. The biggest challenge was making it feel weighty and working with the tiny legs.
Reunion Scene - 2 weeks halftime
SyncSketch:https://syncsketch.com/sketch/120603#131935Notes:Second project. I had this Pokémon inspired idea of a hero meeting her friend. I wanted to sell excitement and swooping motions. Known issues are that the tail is rigid, I had a lot of problems with animating the tail so I'll redo that completely when I get back to this one. That was also the biggest challenge.
Fight Scene - 3 weeks halftime
SyncSketch:https://syncsketch.com/sketch/120603#132011Notes:A current work in progress. I have until Friday to finish it. This I will also come back to and touch up. I've just started timing the animation. I have some troubles with the part where she runs forward to make that look good. I have yet to animate her follow-through at the end too.
I would appreciate any feedback on any or all of these. I will be updating this thread with animation from the games we make at school, updates on these three and other portfolio work.
- Conny
Deadline was today, so here's what I turned in. I will be adding the tail to the ball and make it jump into the frame once the monster dies in the scene to tie together the two scenes. I also want to give the monster more of a reaction, looking down on the sword before it dies. I'd love to hear your ideas and your feedback on my work, on either of my pieces.